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Lilys POV
It was the night before javons boxing match and i was in my room getting ready for bed. As Javon said i haven't seen him all week and we've barely even texted so i was excited to see him tommorow.
"Lily" A voice said walking into my room.
"Hey em, what are still doing up" I said but i got cut off because emory came over to me hugging me tightly. "Emory, what's wrong" I said looking down at her wiping the tears off her face.
"I miss her" My sister had said to me i say her down on my bed and walked over to my closet pulling a floorboard up from the floor.
"What are you doing" My little sister had said observing my actions.
I came up from the floor with a box in my hand titled 'mum'. I went over to my bed and placed the box on the bed.
"Em, i know it's hard not talking about mum especially that tommorow has been a year since she passed, it's been hard for all of us. In this box i have pictures, bracelets, notes and just random stuff that mum had gave us. If you want we can burn it or we can go through them." I said looking down at my sister who was slouching on the bed.
"Can we go through them and then maybe burn them" Emory said. I nooded my head in a response to...
"Okay we won't do it tommorow but we will do it the day after that, okay" I said packing up the box.
"Why won't we do it tomorrow?, i want to do it tommorow" Emory said leaning against the wall putting the blanket over her legs.
"Em, tommorows javons boxing match and i've got to be there, your going to stay with the neighbours, okay" I said looking back at the girl.
"What, no you said you would bring me to her grave and what about the box" Emory said with tears coming out of her eyes.
"Em, we will do that the day after, tommorows a very important day" I replied sitting on my bed.
"Yeah it is important, but it's important because of mums death not because of your boyfriend" Emory started to yell.
"Em, calm down we will do it the next day" I said patting her shoulder but she smacked it away.
"No Lily that's not the same, I mean it's been a year and you haven't even told me how she died I have just had to sit with the comments and questions, you have not let me talk to anyone about her death her since she passed away, not to you, not to my friends, not to anyone. I really need you, Lily. Please stay with me tommorow, i can't deal with it alone" Emory said sobbing crying into my chest.
"Em, i'm sorry but i cant" I said stroking her hair.
"But you can, Lily" She cryed.
"Javon will hate me Em, I promised him" I said comforting her.
"Lily, you promised me" The little girl said looking up at me. "I'm sorry lily, i shouldn't do this but please stay with me i need you" Emory said. She was a wreck, her breaking down like that broke my heart.
"Okay, I'll stay, i love you okay" I said comforting the little girl.
My dad was staying at the walton's house tonight so they can leave extra early with javon and his dad so it was just me and Emory tonight. Emory wanted to sleep in my bed because she feels more safe with me by her side. We didn't really sleep, we couldn't. I was telling her lots of stories to try and make her fall asleep but i couldn't so i decided to play the lullaby mum played for her when she was a baby. Mum used to play this lullaby all the time and still would play it for em just before she passed away.
I got emory stacked under the covers and started to sing the lullaby while stroking her nose up and down to see her eyes fluttering to fall asleep.
When emory was asleep i went up and walked to my desk getting a pen and paper.
Dear mum,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry for how i left things between us and i didn't realise how much of an impact losing you would have on my life. I did many things I shouldn't have. I said many things i shouldn't have. And i'm sorry that i wasn't the best daughter and i promise i'm trying to become better more and more everyday. You gave me and emory so much joy which i am forever thankful for. You always knew what was best for me and you could of never been more right.


Lily <3

After i wrote the note i went over by the fireplace and watch it burn.
A/N : eek
next chapter will be...

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