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I walk into my bedroom after just having brushed my teeth, ready to dive under my covers and doze off as mommy reads me my nightly bedtime story.

      Mommy has already beat me to the bed and snuggled under the covers while waiting for me. I throw back my Winnie the Poo blanket and jump into bed beside mommy, snuggling up to her chest. I wait patiently for her soothing voice to lull me to sleep with the adventures of Winnie the pooh, my favorite book.

      After a couple of minutes of silence I figured she was too worn out from the day and fell asleep while waiting for me, so I decided to just go to sleep. Her touch was quite cold so I brought the blanket up to her chin so she wouldn't freeze during the night.

     Daddy is usually the one who reads to me, but for some reason he wanted mommy to read to me tonight. He carried her into my bed and everything. They even had a big fight about it. I didn't get to hear most of it, but I heard a few bangs and screaming.

     I guess daddy really didn't want to read me a story.

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