Part 2

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It was quite shocking getting the news, this may be the hometown of the Amaris family and center point of the Creymours. But Arestair himself never came to the city much often.

His main headquarters were in Canada and Italy. Word has it that even though he still hasn't taken over as the leader yet, the gang already follows and acts according to his orders and accepts him as a leader.

Even his own father doesn't hold that much power over the gang and is unable to do anything against him.

Some say he was the one who turned the gang into the vicious and powerful gang seen now, rising up to the throne as the best. Some say it was his father. Which one is it, no one knows for sure.

Not many had seen his face in person, people only know his face from the news and pictures. He liked staying rather lowkey.

The police had little to no power to stand up against them . There are many tales of his bravery.

But the most famous one is probably the first fight he ever won. He alone took down a gang by himself in Italy with only 5 of his best men.

The gang had minimum 250 men in it. It happened a few years ago and after that he had first made his main headquarter there and spread it throughout both Italy and Canada.

This story is famous because this was where he started.

Although his men joined under the name of Creymour gang, they are known to be loyal to him and solely serve him, making it almost like his own gang.

So it's an unspoken truth that the Creymour has two sides, one side belongs to Clamentine Amaris, the current leader.

The other belongs to Arestair Amaris, the soon to be leader, who by the way has enough power to take down his own father's gang.

He might have come at times to visit his family, but he never stayed for long. And his men are literally everywhere. So, he can still control matters without being physically present. He never needed to stay at places much long.

Thus people were shocked. But Alyssa was in another kind of shock. This man was also probably the reason behind her father's death, her brother's death.

His men killed her loved one's. Even if he didn't order it himself , the members from his gang were the reason behind their deaths. He was the upcoming leader of the same vicious gang. He was one of them.

And for the first time, she found herself despising a person so much.. But more than that, she found herself fearing this person. Because, if the stories are true, then this man might be more sinister and murderous than the current leader.

The day went on like nothing had ever happened. Reaching school, Alyssa shrieked when a pair of hand suddenly wraped around her.

Seeing the face of her best friend Raechel, Lyssa started giggling. The whole hallway Rae kept on whistling and passing on weird comment to the guys passing them.

It wasn't something new, she had always been a crackhead.
"Why do u do this every single time? You don't live in stone age ye know . At least try to act like a civilised person." Alyssa told her rolling my eyes.

" Excuse you, dear. If you didn't know, I am the most civilised and elegant person you would ever meet in your entire life. You should feel honored " she said looking proud as ever.

" Says the one who asks boys about their weeny size and underwear color and most often than not harasses them mentally and physically. Oh, such elegance " she glared at Alyssa.

"You know, if I weren't a girl, I would've literally dated you.

The only reason guys leave you alone is because if they came near they'd have to face me and they know that I'll make them soo miserable that they'd wanna go back to their momma's womb.

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