21 | twenty-one

834 24 4

Melionë Brewer


I was home for the weekend and Ace asked to tag along. Of course, I said yes because it's very important to me that my family and my boyfriend get along. But right now we were singing Disney songs more than socializing with my family. There was a knock at the door and Ace went over to get it.

"Hi, honey," My mom smiled.

"Hi, mum, what's up?" I asked, turning down my music.

"I'm going to run to the grocery store to buy some bell peppers for dinner, is there anything you need or want me to pick up?" My mom asked, smiling at me and Ace.

"Umm, I need more Advil for when I have cramps," I said.

"Ok," My mom nodded. "We're having stir fry for dinner by the way."

"STIR FRY?!" Ace exclaimed. "I love stir fry!"

"Everyone in this house does," My mom chuckled. "I'll be back in a bit, Dimitri is out in the garage doing whatever to his car, so if you need anything that's where he is."

"Okay, bye mum," I smiled.

"Later baby," My mom waved as she walked out of my room.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked, turning my attention to Ace.

"Ummm, I don't know," Ace shrugged.

"We could watch a movie," I suggested.

"Okay," Ace smiled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of my room, down the stairs, and into the living room. I gave him the controller and told him to find something to watch, while I got snacks for the both of us. Looking through my cupboard, I spot some Smartfood popcorn and my chocolate chip cookies. I try reaching for them on my tippy-toes, but they're on the highest shelf (which I can't reach). I groan and hop onto the counter, wondering why I even attempted to get the snacks without hopping onto the counter.

As I walked out of the kitchen with our snacks, I saw that Ace put on Avengers: Age of Ultron. I don't really mind because I don't really care for the Marvel or DC fandom. W-Wait people might come for me if I say that. Um, by that I mean, I'll watch a Marvel or DC movie/tv show if someone asks me to. If no one does, then I won't watch it. And I'm not saying I don't like the movies, because I do (well some of them). And if a new movie comes out, I won't go and watch it, unless Isaiah asks me to go with him. To put this in simpler terms, I won't watch anything DC or Marvel unless someone asks me to watch it with them. So, yeah I'm going to stop boring you now.

"Mel~" Ace called, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yes?" I stammered, sitting down next to him.

"You were staring at your feet for like a good three minutes," Ace chuckled.

"Ah, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts," I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

"It's alright," Ace grabbed the popcorn bag and immediately started to eat all of the popcorn, asking me if I wanted some in-between bites. Halfway through the movie, I said, "Damn, you're really hungry."

"Yeah, I don't know why though," Ace nodded.

"Maybe it's because of the exercises you've been doing for the big game coming up," I guessed.

"Probably," Ace shrugged. "Speaking of that, are you coming to watch?"

I squirmed around uncomfortably in my spot, "Maybe."

Which Ace knew that meant not likely, "Okay. But I know I'll play better if you're there."

"Why is that?" I asked.

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