Chapter 3: Hide and Seek

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Liah POV:

"You gwanpa." Caleb pointed at Jonathan whose face wrinkled up in confusion. "Gwanpa!" He repeated loudly and I doubted anyone in the room had missed it.

The guard let go of me, he was completely shocked like everyone else in the room. The people looked between my sperm donor, Caleb and me with startled, angry and confused expressions.

Jonathan Varez looked at Caleb as if he was an alien, totally perplexed by the situation unfolding in front of him.

Then the expression on my sperm donor's face turned cold and he nodded towards the guards beside me. Those two seemed to come back to reality and dragged me out of the room together with Caleb and Caleb's stroller.


Now we're sitting in this office, a guard stationed at the door and I'm told to stay put and wait. At least they didn't call the cops, that's some progress I'd say.

At least I got the confirmation that the man on the picture really existed. I had several doubts on my trip here but I was glad I didn't come for nothing. But I wasn't sure what to call him yet.

Dad. Nope off the table.

Sperm donor. Fitting but too strange.

Father. Weird since it's not confirmed yet.

Mr. Varez. Way too formal if he is indeed my father.

Jonathan? Jap, I'll go with Jonathan for now.

"Play with me." Caleb said as he tugged at the leg of the guard.

Ever since we entered the office the guard didn't move let alone said a word. He was probably in his thirties and around 6'3 if not 6'4 tall and broad, he had a lot of muscles hidden under his expensive suit. He was the one who had tried to stop me earlier but had failed miserably.

I sat on the floor looking at Caleb's failed attempts to get the man to play with him. I was sure the guard tried to look mean and intimidating to us but ever since I saw his confused expression earlier I couldn't think of him as this tuff and serious guard.

"Are you like those guards in front of the Buckingham Palace? Those red dressed nutcrackers with their huge black hats."

That cracked a smile on the man's face and he had finally broken his emotionless expression.

"What's your name?" My question fell on deaf ears again. I sighed. "Look, we can do this the easy or the hard way."

The guard glanced at me quizzically but didn't speak a word and as quickly as he had looked my way he was already focused back straight ahead on the wall.

I sighed again. "You're more stubborn than a toddler." I got up and dusted my pants off. "Okay, first option." I held up one finger. "You have a normal conversation with me or" I put up another finger. "Caleb here and I will scream at the top of our lungs to get everyone on this floor to hear us."

Caleb wiggled excitedly at my words and was already getting ready to scream. The guard saw that and quickly placed a hand on Caleb's mouth. "Fine, we talk. Don't give me any more trouble."

"See, it's not that hard." I smirked.

Caleb punched the man's hand with his tiny one and ran up to me, I sat on one of the chairs and pulled him onto my lap.

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