1.18 Wi-Fi in the Sky

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Beck looks up from a homework assignment he'd been working on when he hears a knock on his door. He rolls his eyes with a smile, already positive of who it is despite having no prior plans. "It's open," he calls.

He goes back to typing as the little form curled up beside his legs starts to stir.

Jesse leans down to kiss his cheek with a smile of his own. "Hey, babe."

"Hey." Beck finishes one last sentence then looks up to give him a knowing look. "And what brings you by?"

"I can't just come to visit my wonderful boyfriend?" Jesse asks with an innocent blink.

Beck nods. "You can. I have a feeling you're here for something a little different though."

Before Jesse can answer, a high-pitched yawn catches their attention. They both look down at the Yorkie puppy beside Beck as she wakes up with a stretch.

"I am," Jesse admits, completely unashamed as the puppy sees him and perks up. He reaches out and scoops the little dog up with a grin, scratching between her ears when she stands up with her front paws braced against his chest.

"You're here for Sparkles," Beck accuses with a playful glare. "Not me."

"Can't I be here for both of you?" Jesse shoots back, barely sparing his boyfriend a glance as he focuses his attention on the puppy.

"Yeah. Okay," he says sarcastically. "I'll believe that when you actually look at me for more than two seconds."

Jesse laughs before he leans down and kisses him. "I love you and you know that," he reminds him. "I promise you'll have all my attention after Allie gets back to pick up her dog."

Beck hums quietly and pulls him into another quick kiss. "Alright. I guess I can wait that long," he says playfully.

From there, Jesse's attention is (as they both expected) almost entirely on Sparkles. The puppy seems more than happy to have a playmate as Jesse shows endless patience in dragging her little rope toy across the floor.

Beck starts to edit his essay and tries not to get distracted by the adorable picture the two of them make. He shakes his head with a quiet sigh, mentally resigning himself to one day getting Jesse a dog of his (their) own.

He can't say he hates the idea.

Around twenty minutes goes by like this before Jesse's phone rings and he passes Sparkles to Beck so he can answer it.

"What's up, Lily?"

Jesse's smile quickly falls into a frown at whatever he hears on the other end of the line. With a silent gesture to a slightly concerned Beck, he steps outside the RV so he can focus on what she's telling him.

"Okay. Say that again, Lils," he says as the door closes behind him.

"We were right," she repeats. "Ryder Daniels? He's a total jerk."

Jesse sighs. "I really don't like the implications of us being right," he mutters. "How's Christine?"

"Hurt and feeling like an idiot for falling for it. Her words, not mine."

He sighs again. "Let me guess. He waited until they got an 'A' on their project and now he suddenly wants nothing to do with her."

Lily sighs back. "Exactly."

"He really is one of the worst types of people," Jesse says, glaring at nothing in particular as he thinks about the boy.

"Oh, yeah. Hundred percent," she immediately agrees. She hesitates for a second before she speaks again. "Same with that friend of his- Bryce."

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