34 - Weird

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Alex has been a little weird over the past couple nights. It's a little scary, in all honesty. It's like he's nervous about something. Alex never really seems nervous around me but for some reason, he is.

Maybe I'm intimidating him. I mean, I am pretty scary.

I've tried to ask him about it but his answer is always 'I don't know what you're talking about'. And then he walks away or he reminds me that I needed to do something.

Lucas came by earlier and dropped all my bags off for me. I never asked him to, he just did it. I guess that means I'll be staying with Alex until I get my apartment. Alex didn't have a problem with it at all, he said I was welcome whenever. That makes me feel a little better about just showing up randomly.

Of course, it still doesn't feel perfectly normal, but it feels normal enough.

"Alex," I call. Alex only hums in response, not looking away from the tv. "I thought you didn't like this movie." I laugh as I come over to sit next to him on the couch.

Alex doesn't answer for a second. "..I...changed my mind." He mumbles.

"About the terrible plot you ranted about? You changed your mind about that?" I laugh, not believing him. He really hates this movie and I can't say I like it much either. He's right about the plot. It makes no sense.

Alex just slowly nods, finally looking over to make eye contact with me. "Yep," He quietly confirms. 

I sigh, frowning at him. "What's going on with you?" I softly question. It's blunt wording, but I don't know how else to ask it. Besides, if I come up with different wording, he might find a loophole and just dismiss me.

"What do you mean?" Alex looks confused, frowning back at me.

I give him an unamused look, insinuating he knows what I'm talking about. I'm sure he knows he's been acting weird with me. "Alex, come on." I huff, a little frustrated. "What is it?" I push. "It's okay if you don't actually want me here like this, I can easily find somewhere else to stay." I quickly offer. "Is that what you want?" I softly ask, offering a smile to let him know I'm okay with that.

Alex shakes his head. "No." He quickly answers. "I like you here, Aaliyah." He assures me. He seems sincere so I nod, believing him.

"Okay...then what is it?" I push a little further. I'm definitely pushing my luck. "Come on, Alex." I smile at him. "You can tell me anything." I add, playing with him now. Maybe if I play with him, he'll actually tell me.

Alex doesn't look amused my by antics. He looks like he's deep in thought, just like he's looked like for the last few days. His eyebrows are pushed together. He seems far away, aloof.

My smile fades, realizing he has something on his mind. It might not be good. "What is it?" I quietly ask, not joking anymore.

Alex shakes his head and looks away from me. "Nothing." He dismisses me again.

I huff and quickly reach over to move his head to face me again. "Alex," I urge. "C'mon." I try. "Please." I quickly add, shaking his shoulder.

I've learned that Alex also has a soft spot for that word.

Alex looks defeated. "You really don't remember anything from the other night, Aaliyah? You're killing me here." He frowns at me, shaking his head.

It's a little surprising. He doesn't often frown at me like that. He doesn't often look so defeated.

I search my brain for what he could be talking about. The only thing I come up with is my dream. "I had a dream the other night." I quietly announce. "It sounds really stupid..but it was about, like, you and me...dancing in the kitchen? I don't know." I awkwardly explain. "Is that—Was that not.." I trial off. "Was that not a dream?" I whisper, leaning a little closer.

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