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it was a normal day. get up, get ready, and figure out what to do with my life today.

my name is y/n, I'm 18 and just graduated high school about a month ago. my bestie Hana and me have been close with each other ever since primary school.

but in secondary school, Hana disappeared for quiet a long time. she went missing in 6th grade and then magically appeared in 8th grade as of nothing had happened.

I of course asked her about it, but she just said it was family problems. I shook it off and told my self it was none of my business.

Hana has a brother , jungwon , he's a year older than both of us. he's the 'it' boy around town. everyone knows him.

during our high school days, he would always attract the eyes of everyone when he walked in. it was annoying because all of his little fan girls were constantly fighting with me and Hana because we were the only girls he talked to.


I on the other hand have been supported my whole life by my parents. I've never really had other friends besides Hana and jungwon.

when Hana left I was broken and depressed. I didn't want to eat or even go to school because to me what was the point of the only person I cared about wasn't going to be there?

but luckily we passed that little conflict and our bond is stronger than it ever has been.

now , I am just sitting down on the couch of my small apartment, watching YouTube and looking on my phone to see what activities I could do today.

"let's call Hana, maybe she can hang out today." I mumbled to myself. I clicked on hana's number and hit the dial button.

it rang 2 times before she picked up.

"heyy " Hana answered cheerfully. I let out a small smile. "hey!" I said.

"can you hangout today? I'm bored and have nothing to do" I asked her, hoping she'd say yes.

the line was quiet for a while before Hana spoke again.

"uh sorry y/n, me and jungwon had planned to ... to spend some time together , a little brother sister moment y'know?" she hesitantly explained.

I hummed , a small frown making it's way on my face. "that's ok, have fun wherever y'all are going or whatever y'all are doing" I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Kim y/n, I'm really sorry, I promise we'll hang out tommorow" Hana apologized . I chuckled.

"I said it's fine Hana" I said. "y/n, I've known you for long enough that I know that you're not fine. cmon you cant fool me" Hana said.

we both laughed. "ok ok, but seriously I'm fine. now go and have fun with your brother. tell him I said hi" I asked. she sighed.

"ok I guess. talk to you later . love you" she said. "love you too Hana. bye" I said, ending the call.

"what did I expect" I uttered to myself.

one thing you should know about Hana, is that when she can hang out, it's a very rare occasion.

her and her brother are always hanging out or her family has already planned things ahead of time.

I deeply sighed and dropped my phone on the couch next to me. "Let's just have a rest day then. I mean there's nothing else I can do" I said, talking to myself.

I settled on that and got up to make myself lunch since it was already 1 in the afternoon.

I settled on some regular ramen since it was the easiest thing to make, and I was too lazy to cook anything harder.

I hummed a melody in my head that I had randomly came up with, and finished cooking my ramen before taking it to my room and turning on my TV.

I live alone. I moved out of my parents house after graduating. I initially didn't want to move out until I went to college, but my parents were spending too much money on bills with me living there, so I decided to live on my own for the sake of their wallets.

(I'm such a good daughter 😌)

once I was comfortably sitting in my room, I turned on the TV and changed it to some of TXT's playlists that I had saved on my YouTube playlists.

the first song was blue hour.

and let me tell you when I realized that was the first song that popped up I internally gasped.

I tried to continue eating my ramen, not really minding the TV, but then I looked up to see Soobin singing his part, with Yeonjun and Hyuka behind him dancing in crop tops.

I choked on my ramen 😀.

"why must they have this effect on me" I whined. "they just look so good, it's not even fair."

I shook my head and finished the rest of my ramen that I had left and continued to listen to TXT.

when I finally finished my ramen, I got up to go grab my phone that I had left on the couch. after I got my phone I went back into my room to just relax.

I laid down on my pillow and decided to scroll through tiktok for a while. and when I tell you I was having a heart attack after every single edit that came up on my for you page, I'm not kidding.

the way these idols can do this without even being near me. I wish I could find a realistic person that did that to me.

no y/n, you don't need anybody. you're just fine all by yourself.

I just decided to forget those thoughts and grabbed my bowl that had previously had my ramen in it , and made my way to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

I grabbed my phone and placed it on the kitchen counter. I put on my 'bops' playlist and turned the volume up all the way.

I was washing dishes for about 10 minutes enjoying my time by myself . my time was interrupted by a ring of my doorbell and 2 knocks at my front door.

I arched my eyebrows. "who the hell could that be?" I asked myself. I dried off my hands and headed to the door.

I peeked out the tiny peephole and saw no one infront of my door. I sighed and unlocked the door and slowly opened it.

I hesitantly poked my head out and looked infront of me to see no one. I looked to my right, no one. I looked to my right, and guess what? no one.

I sighed out of frustration, running my hands through my hair, moving my gaze down to my feet, about to turn around.

but a tiny slip of paper at the foot of my door stopped my motion.

"huh?" I mumbled. I bent down and picked up the mysterious paper and put it inside my pocket.

"that was weird" I said, closing the door and locking it. "I'll look at the paper once I'm done with the dishes" I agreed to myself.

I walked back to the sink, drying the dishes I had just cleaned minutes ago. it took about 10 more minutes for me to finish doing the dishes.

I sighed out of relief. "finally!" I exclaimed.

"now let's see what this paper is" I said and grabbed my phone and walked to my room.

I got to my room and sat on my bed. I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket that I had shoved it in.

I unraveled it and flattened it out. it was an invitation..

dear guest,
it is my pleasant honor to invite you to our annual red fest. tonight at midnight, when the moon is at its highest. we would love to see you there. stay bloody.


"What the..."

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