Shooting Star

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Sherlock, John, and Melody made their way quickly into the planetarium, hoping to take down the Golem before he was able to cause any more damage. When they walked through the doors, Mel sighed.

"This place is bloody enormous. How are we ever going to find him?" She asked  her nerves on edge.

"Tom? Is that you? Tom?" A voice called from an auditorium down the way.
"Sounds like we won't have to search. Come on!" Sherlock exclaimed, sprinting in the direction the voice came from.

They burst in to see a woman clawing at the Golem’s hand as he strangled her.
"Golem!" Sherlock yelled, the trio finally announced their presence, bathed in star-light from the projector. The Golem turned at last to reveal his nightmare of a face. He was a living skeleton with a pale white, bald head and deep-set eyes. His skin was shrivelled, dry as parchment almost looking decayed. He grinned, exposing yellowed, crooked teeth. A cold chill went up Melody's spine.
John raised his gun as the Golem let go of Professor Cairns and she slid to the floor, dead. The Golem giggled and dart into the shadows, his laughter echoing ominously through the building.

John ran to cut off the Golem, causing Melody and Sherlock to both call after him. In the flickering projected light, it was nearly impossible to see where the Golem or John had gone. Sherlock and Mel raced down the aisles, with no sign of the Golem.
They stopped dead, listening for any movement that might give away his position. Suddenly the projection changed and Melody cried out as she saw the Golem standing right behind Sherlock. His enormous hands close over Sherlock’s face, and Melody clambered over seats to reach them.
Suddenly, the Golem sagged as John smashed the back of his gun over the Golem’s head, and Melody slid over just in time to catch Sherlock as he collapsed, rubbing his face and whooping for air.
Stunned, the Golem swung round and jabbed John savagely in the guts. John dropped the gun, and before he could recover, the Golem loomed massively over him, his hand closing over John’s face.

A click echoed through the room, and the Golem cocks his head to look as he closed his fingers over John’s mouth. John started to panic as all eyes were on Melody. She stood in front of Sherlock with John's gun in her hands, pointed right at the golem. Everything about her in that moment screamed 'if you test me, you will fail'.
"Let him go, or I’ll kill you. I will kill you, and I will not think twice about it as your body hits the ground." Melody said in a tone that was icy and stern as her expression.
The Golem released John, then scrabbled away towards Sherlock and Mel.

"Who are you working for?" Melody demanded, still pointing the gun at him.
The Golem smiled horribly, then suddenly sprinted towards the Planetarium’s control console. Melody fired, but the Golem was too quick, and she hit the console. The recorded voice-over squealed madly into life, the projected images doing the same. The Golem took advantage of the chaos and dove for the exit. Melody firesd again, but it was too late.

A rectangle of light spread through the room as the Golem flung open the door and made his escape. Sherlock ran to the doorway, only to be met by the screech of tyres from outside.
"Damn it!" John cursed, finally turning the lights on.

Melody stood with the gun at her side, a hard look on her face. Sherlock went back inside to see her still in the spot she had been before. He carefully approached and took the gun from her hand.

"Melody, are you alright?" He asked, handing John the gun.

"He got away. I missed, and he got away. I'm sorry." She said, her jaw tense. She looked up at the men, who wore matching expressions of concern.

"It's alright, Mel. None of us could have stopped him. You did bloody well. You saved my life." John assured her. "Come on, let's go have a seat outside and wait for Lestrade while Sherlock gives him a call." He put an arm around her shoulders and led her out the door.

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