sweet pickles

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"Ugh, I HATE school!" Lorainne yells while stomping into Sam's home, throwing her backpack to the side of the kitchen. The pack can hear Charlie's laugh in the yard as he turns his sirens on for a second, his way of saying bye to his daughter before speeding off. Jared's eyes roll. 

"Of course he'd leave her with us while she's like this," he grumbles, and Sam quickly swats his head before going over to his imprint. 

"What happened now?" Sam asks calmly, smiling over his shoulder when Leah lets out a quick giggle, the female shifter going to the kitchen to get Lorainne some of the cupcakes Leah had just baked. 

Leah was definitely getting on Lorainne's good side. 

"It's just - UGH - boys?? And - y'know - ugh." Lorainne can't get her thoughts together, growling with an eye roll and dropping her body to the floor. Sam laughs once, picking her up with ease even though she's dead weight right now. Paul and Jared snicker as Sam plops Lorainne on the table, letting her lay down and play dead while the few pack members watched her. 

"I just don't understand why boys act like they're so cool and hot when they're literally covered in an entire bottle of axe spray and smell like absolute ass," Lorainne mumbled after a minute, sitting up with Leah's help and happily taking a vanilla cupcake from her hands. Lorainne slides off the table and onto the chair in between Jared and Leah, socking Jared in the arm when she gets comfortable. 

Jared yells in protest, not actually hurt but faking it for fun. 

"You irritate me," Jared growls playfully, mock glaring at the girl who just smirks and turns away. 

"My stupid lab partner was 'correcting' everything I did today even though he's so stupid. And I had all the right answers written down but I had to go to the bathroom and he CHANGED it all and handed it in! WE GOT A 10% FOR TODAY'S LABWORK BECAUSE OF HIM!"

She leans to her right into Leah's arm, sinking into the woman's skin as she cries. No tears come out, but she is genuinely upset over this. 

"Why don't you just change lab partners?" Paul asks, and Lorainne looks at him like he's the stupidest thing she's ever seen. Because he is. 

"It's the middle of the school year, dude. I can't change anything." 

Before anyone can say anything else, the backdoor opens with Embry, Quil, and a boy Lorainne has never met before falling through the doorway and into the house. Lorainne perks up, looking at the new guy with interest. Sam huffs at this look. 

"Seth," Sam says with authority, making the young boy fling his head up with wide eyes as he rushes to the alpha's side. "This is Lorainne." 

Lorainne quickly shakes her head and pushes her hair out of her face and to her back, rubbing under her eyes and her mouth. She pats her lap twice before smiling big at the boy, and she watches as his cheeks light up pink. 

"Hi," Lorainne draws out, fluttering her lashes at Seth who stutters out absolutely nothing. The pack all bursts out laughing, Leah smiling big at her brother and the Swan girl. 

Maybe life can get better after a tragedy. 

if you didn't see my post on my profile, there's probably gonna be 10-15 more chapters of this story. i am no longer hyperfixating on twilight so i have lost interest in this story, but i will finish it for you all. <3 

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