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I'm having to suffice with texting after the after school program ends just before thanksgiving break. All through thanksgiving I'm text him. He's traveled home for the day and I'm missing him. So halfway through dinner I start sexting him. As he texts back I know he's having trouble eating his dinner. Of course so am I. I'm just getting to a really good part when Andy reaches over and takes my phone.

"Hey give me my phone."

"No." He says. Mom laughs.

"He interrupting you texting with the boyfriend you don't want to introduce us too."

"It's not that I don't want to I just have to wait till he's back from college. Andy got to meet him." I say on spur of the moment.

"How was that?"

"He got to meet him before he went back to college. I wasn't sure about introducing you guys but Andy just showed up. It wasn't planned for." I say glaring at him. He smiles.

"You'll like him when you meet him." Andy says. So mom spends the next hour interrogating him. I just wait till dinner is done and try to get my phone back. Finally after holding him down I get it by searching his pockets. I don't bother texting but call him when I see the twenty two texts from him asking if I'm alright. Quickly I dialed him. Slipping onto the back porch I wait for him to answer.

"Hi. There you are. I was getting worried."

"Sorry. Andy stole my phone during dinner."

"That was at a critical point the sudden silence and worry killed the raging hard on I had going at least."

"Because of him I had to tell them he met you. So they've been pumping him for information. I had to sit on him to get my phone back. How goes your dinner?"

"We are past dinner and at the expand your belts and watch sports numbly. Mom says hi by the way. No you can't talk to him. Because you'll embarrass me." The phone is snatched and I hear a woman laughing.

"Hi, you must be this Angel that he keeps talking about."

"It's actually Angelo but he likes to call me Angel." I tell her.

"Well that's sweet. Are you having a nice holiday?"

"I am. I'm home with my family. Mom, dad, brother, little sister."

"Zach tells me that your sister is only four. Must have been a surprise for your parents."

"Oh yeah. They love her but she's a handful. Anise is her name."

"That's so sweet. I can tell you are a sweet young man. I'm trying to get him to bring you here for Christmas but he's saying you can't you'll be with your family. So how about after school ends. He'll be out and so will you right? You are one of his students right?" I hear him in the back ground.

"I never told you that how do you even know these things." I laugh.

"Yes ma'am I am. How did you know?"

"He got dodgy about how he met you, what you do for a living, can we meet you, among other things. When you graduate you will come visit then. I'm looking forward to this. He's never loved anyone like he loves you I can tell by how he talks about you. What about you?"

"Mom stop. Give me my phone."

"Not until he answers my question." I laugh again.

"I love him a lot. I've never been in love before so I can't really say what measurement it is. I can say that I love my family more but I've known them longer. Let me spend 18 years with Zach and I'll probably love him the same."

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