Twenty Four - "What I said still stands."

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Chapter Twenty Four

Pia's POV

Oh God, I'm busted.

I stood paralyzed, and just stared at him tongue-tied. I tried to come up with a good reason, but my brain froze.

"I... I borrowed them from Aunt Olympia, I have an eye problem too... I forgot my glasses..."

"You don't need it, they're plain lenses," he gave me back my eyeglasses, "and stop the act now. You're just making it harder for you."

My face immediately burned with embarrassment. I was worried about his reaction too. What if he's so mad that I deceived him? What will happen to aunt Jodie now?

"I... I apologized, Mr. Stavrakos," I said, almost pleading, "I only did it for aunt Jodie. She needed this job so badly, and because of your strict qualification of accepting middle-aged maids only, I had no choice."

"What you did is really bad," he pressed his lips together, tightly, shaking his head, "you're so unbelievable."

"I know, I know... I'm so sorry."

He looked at me, there was anger and disappointment in his eyes.

"What if it's not me? What if your employer is someone who would not tolerate such behavior and put you behind bars? Didn't it ever occur to you?"

I nodded, sheepishly.

I was trembling, because I knew what he was capable of doing. I remembered what Cameron told me yesterday.

"Don't mess up with Kristov Stavrakos. He's not an easy man to cross with. I saw him destroy a man's life for betraying him. I saw him put an employee to jail for stealing money. He fires employees easily... and makes anyone pay for deceiving him. He can be so ruthless, if he wants to. So, stay away from him, Pia. He's out of your league."

"I'll accept whatever consequences you impose on me, Mr. Stavrakos... you can fire me if you want, I would totally understand," my voice was cracking, "but I haven't done anything criminal... or illegal."

"Dammit Pia," he cursed, "you think working here and pretending to be someone else isn't wrong?

"I wasn't pretending to be someone else. I was being me. I came here to work as my aunt's replacement for two months, and that's absolutely reasonable. I did my job so well, and I'm sure you were satisfied. The only fault I made was trying to look older."

He chuckled nastily, "and trying to make me look so stupid! You were fooling me with your two identities."

"I never pretended when I was my true self."

"Obviously. With your feisty and rude attitude towards me, I have no doubt!" he bursted, "I waited for you to tell me the truth... dammit!"

"You have every right to be angry at me, please forgive me, sir. I won't take much of your time anymore. But despite everything, I would like to thank you. I enjoyed my time here in your mansion," I bowed, then turned to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To pack my things."

"Dammit, Pia!" he snapped, making me jolt, "you're not leaving. We have a contract for two months. Whether you like it or not, you stay and do your duties and responsibilities."

I had ambivalent feelings. Angry, nervous and yet, relieved.

I looked at him, standing there so tall, still very strikingly handsome despite his rage expression.

"To save my aunt's job, I'll stay," I said, "but I have to inform you, sir, I don't have any ulterior motive other than to work as your housekeeper."

"I never doubted that, if that's your concern," his expression became lighter.

"What I said still stands, Mr. Stavrakos. I don't date guys like you. I would appreciate it if you won't ever ask me out again."

There was a chill silence, like an angel passed through between us.

I saw him pressing his lips tightly, then he said, "of course. I understand, Miss Rosi."

"Thank you, sir."

"Stop the disguise and dress normally, that's all I ask," he averted his head, like the sight of me disgusted him, "goodnight, Miss Rosi. Tell the guests, I have an important phone call to make."

"I will, sir. Goodnight."



The character switching was a failure. But still, I was thankful to Sammy, Tess, Jean and Cameron for their help.

I had no choice but to tell them the truth, because I was worried Aunt Jodie would feel so sad if she had no job waiting for her in the mansion anymore.

Sammy fixed my maid's uniform, by sewing velcro at the back seams. It removed and fastened my uniform easily. I already wore my black dinner dress underneath, so it was easy to change clothes.

"I just hope the master won't notice your black stilettos. It's the only item you won't be changing," Jean looked worried.

"Just make sure he keeps his eyes on your face," Tess suggested, "keep battering your eyes."

"No way, that's flirting! I'd be giving him hope if I do that."

"My goodness, girl. I wish I'm in your shoes!" Sammy exclaimed, "why are you rejecting such a gorgeous handsome rich man. He's a god, girl, his face and body is made to be adored! I'd worship him eternally, of course... if he'll have me."

"I told you, he's not my type. If ever I fall in love, it would be to someone who is simple. Not rich and worldly like him."

"You mean, someone like Cameron?" Tess asked, "I saw you talking to him two nights in a row. Don't lead him on if you're not interested, okay? You don't know what men are capable of doing when they become frustrated."

"He's just a friend, and he knows that."

Friday night, Sammy, Tess and Jean were on stand-by inside the mansion ready to rescue me.

Tess on a mission. She was observing us in the living room: She heard that Kristov Stavrakos would fetch me, as Pia, at the women's quarter, so she went there ahead of him.

The moment the master left, I ran to the mansion's kitchen, where Jean and Sammy were preparing dinner.

I took off my maid's uniform in a snap, while Sammy removed the single black clip from my hair, making my hair flow in waves at my back. I wiped the red lipstick  from my lips and changed it to pink.

"Don't forget your eyeglasses," Jean reminded me, when I was ready to run to the women's quarter.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot," I removed the eyeglasses, and gave it to her.

Cameron was waiting at the back of the servant's building, holding a ladder through my window. He was still grumpy after our talk the night before. He was so against me having dinner with Mr. Stavrakos. But at least, he was there to help me.

The one in the mansion's kitchen was the hardest. Tess managed to distract the master, while I walked passed behind him.

Sammy was ready with my maid's uniform the moment I entered the kitchen, I just put my arms through the sleeves and he fastened it in a second as I turned. I fixed my hair and makeup while kneeling behind the island counter, then took the roasted duck from the oven and appeared in front of the master.

The rest, Kimberly, helped me in one of the mansion's bathrooms.

But all that fuss was a failure. I got busted because I forgot to take off the eyeglasses. How could I be so reckless?

Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'll keep the job for aunt Jodie, she'll be so happy.

That evening, I found it hard to sleep. I kept on thinking of Kristov Stavrakos. Then I remembered something that he said. I waited for you to tell me the truth!

I immediately sat up. Realization suddenly hit me.

The bastard knew all along that I was in disguise!

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