backbone broken

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Seokjin didn't found y/n downstairs,  then he started searching upstairs and after few minutes he found her

Jin : yeah y/n i was searching you everywhere!

Y/n : i was searching you too!

Jin : come on let's buy your dress, we are already late!

Y/n : yes *blush*

They entered inside a shop and found taehyung struggling with the shirt, which is stuck on his head badly.

Seokjin sighed and left to select a dress, y/n smirked as an idea popped in her mind

Y/n : you pushed me before right!?

She tip toed towards him and taehyung was still struggling

Y/n : *laughing* who change clothes in the middle of the shop??*burst out laughing* you ignorant there is a changing room idiot ugly!

Taehyung was froze at his place when he heard y/n's voice, he gulped, y/n pulled out her phone and clicked taehyung's photo


He yelled struggling inside the shirt, which is covering his whole face.

Y/n : sorry but i already did that *laughing* look at your face, but i can say you look handsome!, BECAUSE YOUR UGLY FACE IS HIDDEN *burst out laughing*

She replied looking at the photo on her phone

Taehyung : GET LOST!

Y/n : sure my freaking brother in law *smirk*

Y/n pushed taehyung and he fell on the clothes shelf when the first shelf fell because of taehyung's weight the other one fell and the whole line fell down in the blink of an eye

Y/n left to seokjin pretending nothing happened

Taehyung : *stood up* yeah finally this shirt is out of my face *happy*

Taehyung is being happy because when y/n pushed him his shirt ripped, and his face was out of the shirt, he smiled widely being unaware of the fact that he destroyed the whole store


Y/n shooked her head

Y/n : there was a man who fell and did all of this *acting innocent*

Jin nodded

Manager : 800k right now!

Taehyung groaned

Taehyung : come on these clothes are fine you can wash them and keep them back on sale!

Manager : no we can't, pay the money or we will call the cops!

Taehyung : *irritated*

Taehyung handed the manager his black card and spoke

Taehyung : take them out and give my card back

Manager : we will pull the money out for you?, what do you think we are!?

Taehyung : i don't know who are you but i'm kim taehyung!

The manager recognized his name and quickly left, taehyung sat on the chair and hissed

Taehyung : MY BACK!!!!

As he have fell on his back, his back is hurting.

Y/n and seokjin selected the dress and they both walked out of the store, suddenly seokjin remembered taehyung and he rushed back to the store

 𝗠𝘆 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝗸 𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆 (𝑻𝒉𝒗 𝒇𝒇)Where stories live. Discover now