Chapter Seven

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After a while, I started to get tired, going up for air, so did the Dolphin. "I'm sorry but I need to rest, hopefully I will see you again soon" I said and gave him a kiss on his nose.

He then did his Dolphin talk and swam out to the open area of the water. I floated for a bit, just relaxing in the water.

I glanced over and saw Duke and Evan stand up; I was about to go to them when a man surfaced out of the water.

"Hello there," he said.

"Hi" I said back as I started to tread water instead of floating. I did not see where this man came from, but it definitely grabbed Dukes and Evan's attention.

"I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?"

"Yes, I'm staying with Duke and Evan" I said as I started to tread backwards towards the shore.

"I'm Thomas" he said as he took his hand out of the water and wanted to shake my hand.

"I'm Jasmine," I said, shaking his hand. As soon as our hands touched a spark jumped between our hands as we pulled them apart.

Thomas looked shocked, but then a smile formed on his lips. "It has been a long time since royalty was around. I look forward to getting to know you more."

After he spoke, he dove back under the water, I turned around and swam back to shore, meeting Duke halfway.

"What did he say?"

"His name is Thomas, and we shook hands, but then a weird look came over his face and said it's been a long time since royalty was around and he looked forward to getting to know me" I said sitting down on the sand.

I saw a look pass between Duke and Evan, but I was too tired to care what it was about. I sat there catching my breath.

"Let's get back to the house, clean up and how about we go out for dinner?" Evan asked as Duke helped me up.

"I need a shower first, but I'm up for that if you are" I said looking at Duke. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Always up for taking you out" he said with a wink. I laughed and the three of us walked back to the house.

Once in my room I took a long shower and replayed that strange conversation with Thomas. "Must be a local" I said as I was looking for the right outfit to wear.

They never said if it was a regular place or a fancy one, so I went with a black sundress, silver sandals. My hair was only shoulder length, so I just pinned the sides back a bit with dark red clips that Lisa gave me.

That woman had stunning taste when it came to clothes and accessories. She paired all my outfits with every assortment of accessories she could think of.

I looked myself over and was happy with how I looked, I could go to a regular or fancy place, it was a happy middle look.

Once out of my room I walked down the hallway and saw a door open, I peeked in and saw Duke standing in front of the mirror.

He saw me in the reflection, and he smiled, I stood there in the doorway smiling back at him. He had on a nice fitting pair of black jeans, and a black dress shirt that he had his sleeves rolled up halfway on his massive arms.

He turned and walked over to me, taking my hands, and pulling me into his room.

"You look absolutely breathtaking Jasmine," he said, looking me up and down.

"Thank you, you look good as well" I said with a hint of heat on my face.

We stood there looking at each other, neither one of us moving, still holding hands, not wanting to be the first to let go.

"We should get going before Evan busts in again, plus if we stand here any longer, I might not be able to control myself with you" he whispered as his forehead touched mine.

"Would that be such a terrible thing" I whispered back, longing to feel his lips against mine, having his arms wrapped around my body pulling me against him.

"No, it wouldn't but I want you to feel comfortable and to know me first" he said as his lips touched my forehead.

They were hot against my skin, as electricity began to spark between us. Something was in the air; I could feel it.

Being with Duke felt right, I did not want to leave his side. Which was crazy since I did not really know him, but something deep inside of me was yelling at me to be with him.

I took a breath and stepped back, which was the hardest thing I had had to do.

Just then Evan popped his head in, "you guys ready?" he asked as he strolled over and looked between us.

"Yes" I said and turned on my heel and walked out of the room and down the stairs, out the front door just in time to see a woman walking up the driveway.

This woman was dressed in all black, she spotted me and stopped in her tracks. Just then Duke and Evan were standing on either side of me.

"You were not supposed to be here till tomorrow Lilith" Duke said.

"I wasn't going to come until this lady decided to go swimming and end up grabbing the attention of the merfolk."

Lilith walked over and stood before me, she held out her hand to me.

I put my hand into her to shake it, but she put her other hand over mine and held on to me. Her eyes were a normal green and went white on me.

"She is our seer," Evan whispered into my ear. I remember reading about seers back when I was young. My parents gave me a book about them.

They were revered and feared. They were witches that were hunted down for the powers they held were powerful.

Lilith's eyes went back to green, and she let go of my hand. She looked at Duke, "she is the one, the only true one left" she said in a soft voice looking at me.

"Only what true one left?" I asked, looking between all three of them, as they all turned to look at me. Duke had a look of love; Evan had a look of relief and awe mixed together.

Lilith stood there looking at me like I was the lost city of Atlantis.

I started to become nervous as no one was uttering a word. 

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