Antecedent 4

453 9 15

A/N: and another one! The power of caffeine and Halocene giving me motivation. Editing was once again done by somebody amazing 💖 Thanks for reading!
Let's go!


Flexing and turning my wrists, I looked up at Junior who was sitting with his legs up on the table as he once again fixated on his seat. The numbness which had begun to fill my fingers slowly drained as the blood got pumping without the hindrance of being bound. Clumsily typing in the next word which was luckily a repeat of the clown, he seemed focused and determined to prove himself, pressing the button while panting behind his fleshy mound. The mask fanned and flapped at every raspy breath he took and as he proceeded this time to correctly spell the word without referring to it as food, he gave a rather loud whooping noise as the toy cheered him.
"Very good, Junior." I applauded while sidestepping back to his work top where the scissors once again lay over the sheet of patched up skin. Ensuring he was focused on the next task at hand, I allowed a shaking arm to reach up and gently dragged the metal instrument while keeping a watchful eye on him.
Simply because he wasn't ready to attack didn't mean he wouldn't know some foul play was at hand if he caught me. Flinching and catching as they gave a small scrape and stumble at the edge, I gripped them tightly and placed them behind my back. When it came down to it, if I was to venture back in the house to go back for Joel and Troy, I would rather be armed with something as opposed to nothing at all.
-O.D. Junior growled at his gadget unenthusiastically as it denied him and implored him to try again. His slitted eyes, peering up at me quizzically. Tightening my fingers around the scissors behind my back, I leant over just enough to see where he held it; I pursed my lips and swallowed, refusing to take it as he jerked it in my direction.
"No, Junior. You need to do it so I know you understand." Trying to keep my voice calm, I noticed as it quivered and listened to him heave with a heavy sigh, as if he was a child struggling to retain the information. Slowly, I raised my boot off the floor and tilted it back knowing that while I simply couldn't run for it, I had to have a plan and one that seemed more effective than hoping he wouldn't wail for his relatives. "You were close, it's a type of food which you eat."
Cocking his head to the side, Junior breathed in and nodded. M.E.A.T.
Against my will, I felt a shiver which rippled up my spine and between my shoulder blades. It was clear that he was not talking about any kind of animal by the fact he had to watch me carefully before concentrating on the letters. Giving a cry, I jolted but remained steady in my stance watching as he protested and pointed a finger at me accusingly.
"I said no, Junior. It's your turn and your game, I need you to think, okay? What else do you eat?" If he did eat it, it was possible with how far the family resided and their murderous appetite that cake had never been present even on birthdays. "It's sweet."
Getting frustrated, he stood and it was only then that I noticed just how much bigger he was than myself. Blocking out the light of the moon from the window, his shadow filled over my frame and held his toy furiously while I tightened my own grasp at the object behind my back. Charging forwards, I made a full one back and raised my voice to say his name with authority. He seemed to stumble as he did and whine like a scalded schoolboy but also seemed equally confused.
Gnawing on my lower lip, I moved a hand away from the metal slowly and held it up at him showing for him to stop. "That's enough." Not daring to step closer and craning his neck to the side as if silently imploring, he once again held up his toy as if to explain to himself. As much as pity once again struck a chord with me, I stood my ground. "This isn't how you treat a friend. Sit down, face the wall and we will continue again in a moment!"
Breathing in and swallowing the lump in my throat as it formed from the dread, dehydration and pain, I waited. Staring at me with another small moan, he impatiently waved his hands up, but I shook my head. Half expecting him to launch, I straightened and prepared myself to move. He didn't. Instead, his legs guided him back to his seat, head hanging low and with each heavy step he made I released the breath I was clinging onto. Falling onto the metal furniture that supported himself with full force, I blinked.
Tears were determined once again through the fear and tense situation, there were better uses of energy. After this hurdle would be more and even if I got the other two out from where they were being held, we needed to be able to move fast, something I wasn't sure I would be able to do. Each pain was becoming more prominent, the force and blow from the car injury to being in this room was catching up. Adrenaline had already gotten me so far and I wasn't confident I had much more in me to give before giving way and giving in. I had to make sure Joel and Troy were safe before I could let me guard down.
"Face the wall." I reminded him, raising my voice once again, humming dully, his legs effortlessly moved the seat with him still sitting on it. The metal creaked and almost twisted as he did so and I nodded to myself grateful that he was suggestive to manipulate into listening. My chances, even if I wasn't injured in a fist fight were surely slim. Despite being so large, he had already shown his speed and in this moment his strength from such a simple action. "Now I want you to sit there, okay, Junior? Until I say otherwise. I will be right outside and I'll count down until you can move again."
Watching as his shoulders raised and his head turned to grimace at me beneath the shaggy matt of hair, I remained still. Hand still raised, I slowly said his name and with a horse-like blow that made his flesh mask flap once again, he returned to focusing on the wall. Being scolded was something he was clearly used to enough to follow instruction from an authoritative figure or in my case, someone pretending to be one.
"Good boy, Junior. Good boy," breathing his name, I heard the response in a wet raspberry. I almost laughed at the immature action but took it as permission to get out of the confined shed as fast as I could manage without arousing suspicion.
Junior didn't look back and as I took my next step, I flinched and stumbled into the wall. A hot and wet pain ripped meekly at my left calf. Hitting the wall painfully, I winced but kept my mouth kept in a firm line as I remained still for a moment trying to spy out what had cut me. Without seeing the wound, itself, I could use only my eyes to know. I eyed the large and sharp looking object placed so carelessly on the floor, a chainsaw. Its cutter chain even through the dark, I could see was rusted and well used. The front guard and handle showed signs of wearing out in the material.
"Three," I breathed out feeling my legs tremble and the fear of having a vague idea of what it was used for and it wasn't hedges or trees. Junior was clearly as dangerous as the others and most probably physically stronger to lift such a bulky weapon. Shaking my head, the tears threatened to glaze over my eyes again, what was wrong with these people? Did I even want to know?
Trying to shift out of the mindset of analysing such evil beings, and avoiding the topic in my mind of an injection that'll likely sprout thanks to such filth and blades, I counted out four. The large man seemed to only hunch over more and wasting no more time tiptoeing, I fully turned and yanked the door handle to open it stumbling out onto the grass. Ensuring he wasn't watching me and that it would buy me a head start if Tex or Tink was to check on Junior's progress, I gently pulled the door to me, the larger man being hidden by the wood and turned to see what I had to work with.
Ducking down and moving into the comfort of darkness under the kitchen window as light peered from the side, I heard the door open and the smell of cooking meat once again filling the air. Holding the scissors tight, I moved as much as I was able to without making much noise and turned the corner as Tex's laughter rang out at something the little girl had said to him.
"Maybe when you're older, sweetheart." He mused to her. Feeling my teeth grit as I kept my back to the stone and straightened up from the crouched position, I heard her telling him to promise. "Even better, I pinkie swear. First headshot will be yours and when we all sit down to eat, we'll know it was all thanks to you."
"Not if you're caught or stabbed through the head first." I whispered, holding up my hand which was still tightly holding onto the scissors and denying myself the urge to run at him and get him multiple times in the eye as revenge for what he had done. Seeing my knuckles practically pale and purple in my unscathed fingers. All it would do is bring attention to myself and be easy pickings. "Three are accounted for." I distracted myself and looked out to the sandy carpark at the front of the building.
As much as I could try the vehicles scattered out on the back lawn, I deduced that they were less personal to the family. There were more of them for starters, each even under the dim light seemed torn up in some way. The truck, I took note of however as I recognised the outline of that as Tink's, was most likely to be fully functional and prepared with enough fuel. Steadying myself and clutching onto the gravel of the house structure, I mumbled some reassurance to myself. It was a large space and quite exposed. If anyone was to look out the window before I could get to the eldest man's vehicle, it could spell disaster and ruin any escape attempt my mind concocted.
Then there were already the injuries I had suffered and the cut which was still bleeding. Closing my eyes, I inhaled as I took that thought in and withdrew back into the shadows, if there was a chance, I was dripping...a blood trail would be their advantage and certainly one helped from me losing that blood. I had to stop the blood flow first, while I had the chance. Leaning against the wall, I inspected myself knowing that if I was to rip any denim from my shorts, there would be nothing left.
My boots had no laces and were pulled onto just over the ankle. The material I doubted would grip hard enough to provide a bandage, or at worst case of just how far I had cut: a tourniquet. I wasn't prepared to look out of dread or panic, it didn't feel pleasant but tinged with every move I took. My head that had been pounding from the crash did seem heavier than before but I also argued I was running on empty.
Settling on an idea, I pulled at the fabric of my top and nodded, it wasn't the most appealing idea but it was the only one I had. Pulling apart the shears of the scissors I slipped the blade across the red stained material seamlessly slicing a section off in seconds. Releasing the fabric afterwards it settled in a curve-like position inches above my belly button. It wasn't as straight or conservative as I had hoped it would've been, but it was something and with that notion in mind, I pulled at the length of the cotton and placed the metal object in my mouth biting down on them.
Placing the heel of my injured leg against the stone foundation, I pulled upwards, my skin was splashed crimson from the wound and tried to manoeuvre it under the lunar beams to see the damage. It was difficult just to see how deep the blade had cut, but the jagged line itself luckily did not spread wide in diameter. Breathing in relief through my nose, I bit down on the metal as it protested against my teeth as I bent awkwardly to the side and took either side of the cotton in both hands. Stretching it and with difficulty, pulled it around and latched it to form a knot after tangling it twice. Most likely it wouldn't prevent the flow, but even if it could conceal it, time was on my side. Removing the scissors from my mouth and back into my left hand once more, I told myself to ignore the stinging pain, each second was precious.
"Next up: truck." I sighed, lifting my head and placing it against the stones. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I blew my hair from my face as it attempted to cling, and brushed off that which had already attempted to fuse itself with the dried blood. "What else can go wrong?" Surely the worst had already happened but we were almost free, I would make sure of it. "We will get out of here, one way or another." I just hoped that the other way wouldn't be in a body bag or shallow grave at this point.
"Hey, Tink, looks like it'll be another ten minutes!" Tex's voice called from around the corner and presumably from the kitchen. My jaw clenched and it was enough to get me to straighten back up and get my head in gear.
From somewhere in the house, Tink's voice replied but was muffled by the walls. He was somewhere at the further side, most likely the room above where Joel and Troy were with Tex. Heather was still giggling and while the volume had changed, I noted that it was closer, most likely in the room just next to me. It meant more threat but it sounded as though she was laughing with somebody so with any luck she was with mama. Junior, Tex, Tink, Heather and mama were counted for which still left Alfredo.
"Look for keys, Lori. Ten minutes, ten minutes. Just to the truck and check, if your luck is turning, they'll be in there." Please God, allow for one thing to go right today.
Luck was not on my side. Cursing at the door that wouldn't open, I stayed close to the ground cautious that too much noise would bring attention to me. Even if I grabbed a rock and took to smashing the window, and by some miracle was able to hot-wire the truck, there was no chance of relying on stealth, they would hear it and they would come. Breathing out through my nose, I tried to plan my next tactic; trying to break into the house. With no idea where the keys were was a risky move, but from where I stood at the moment was no better. We were more or less in the middle of nowhere and passed perhaps a handful of people.
Even from where I crouched all that could be heard was fractions of the family's conversation. Trying to get to the other two when we were all incapacitated would only end in exhaustion before being out the drive if we had no vehicle. Gripping the scissors tightly in my hand, and hearing Tex declare he was going to get Junior and myself, I closed my eyes. If they were distracted with my absence and thought I had taken off, it would perhaps buy me some time to search.
"Can't be any worse than the kitchen surely..." I muttered finding the strength to lean on my knees. From the living room window, the moth tattered curtains which let out the only helpful source of light flickered off, had it been ten minutes already or do these people not even know how many seconds are in a minute? Shaking my head, I kept my focus on concentrating in the direction of the doorway and hovered, waiting to be certain no one was coming and the light from the front or landing wouldn't flicker on at the last moment.
When it didn't, I pushed myself around the front and stepped carefully through the darkness attempting to memorise the trail I had seen before. There were steps just before the door itself which now lay embedded in the dark and near impossible to see. Fumbling and stretching out a leg to determine the distance, I bridged the gap quickly. Finally, something was going right.
"Tink, Junior lost her!"
Or not. As quickly as Tex's voice disturbed the hollow silence that came from what was likely preparing for dinner, Tink swore. "How long has she been gone?!" He demanded.
Flinching I knew time was running out and placing a trembling hand to the doorknob, I gently turned it. With no letterbox, I could only take a chance there would be no one there and sighed as the wood parted. The stench of meat once again filled the air grabbing the attention of my nostrils and forcing my stomach to be sick, despite it being a few hours since I had last eaten, the thing I wanted least in the world was what they were brewing.
"Damnit, I told you it was a bad idea to let that bitch out of your sight, she already got away from you once, boy!"
"She's just playing hard to get." My nose wrinkled at the causal argument that the cowboy shot back, as if I didn't already feel sick to my stomach, he had to make it seem like a display of affection. Promising myself that if I got close enough in range that I would stab him in the eye, I crawled onto a patchy carpet before turning fast to close the door.
"Know what else is hard to get right now? Someone with goddamn brain cells! Check the front, Alfredo should be on the way back now so if she made it a little too far, he'll be on her like a dog in heat. Don't make that face, it's an expression!" Hearing the heavy boots stomp heavily, Tink shouted another curse and was met with a sombre whine of protest. "You let that city bitch take you for a fool, you best get looking and find her. In one piece!"
Good luck relying on Junior, I relayed to myself dismissively. Before me was a staircase, scratched up and unfurnished looking wood seemed an unwelcome place to start but as everyone was already on the lower floor it made sense to scour out the area first.
"Raucous, raucous," a somewhat mechanical and muffled voice complained followed by a dry cough. "Hasn't it already been a long day?"
"I know, mama. I doubt it'll take long at all. Should have seen the state of her, fresh out of a car wreck." Tink reassured immediately and despite having kicked off at the other two, with his mother he took a gentler approach and onboard the golden son act. "Just you sit and start, I cooked the ear just how you like."
Joel. Resisting the urge to dart on in there and do something stupid, I channelled my frustration into speed pausing on each step that creaked in protest, at the very least it would be impossible for anyone to come up search without alerting me to their presence.
"Medium rare, aren't you good to me?"
"I try to be, mama."
I had never been so grateful for having such an empty belly. The fact they were clearly so loving and loyal to their mama, so eager to please made the fact we had trusted Tex so much more sickening. To be able to dote one minute and kill the next, it made them seem more dangerous and more of a united threat. Shaking my head, I took my time on the final step before hastily heading into the room directly in front, confident no one else should be about. Yanking down the handle with fierce determination, I slinked through and once again concealed evidence of doing so by closing it behind me. A smog-like smell of decay and rot greeted my nose which I held the nostrils of with my free hand trying to guess out of the lot of them which one was the most repugnant.
The answer came in familiar looking posters and magazines presenting themselves before me as I groaned pathetically. The jagged cuts were once again rested on breasts and more intimate parts in a twisted take on a collage. Most were missing a head and the odd one that still luckily hadn't been severed has had their eyes and mouth scratched out or decorated in derogatory slang.
"You need a hobby, Alfredo..." Grimacing at the thought of this one itself was only made worse as my eyes widened in horror and instinctively stood back.
Sheets were pulled off the side of the bed, stains of crusting yellow and red freckled across them and leading up to a bisected body from the waist down. With its legs spread wide and presenting, I told myself to look away but my gaze would not tear away. The flesh was becoming withered, already patching in grey. The root of the wound, while it had no fresh blood left to bleed, seemed to have been sealed or even cauterised by the lack of showing any organs. I didn't want to know how long it had been there, laying there...entertaining him...receiving him.
"Nope." Gasping, I turned on my heel but before I could escape the room, I felt the burning in my throat, the vomit raising and giving off the taste of bile. Whimpering, I knew it would give away I had been there if someone was to check, and keeping my fingers still pinched against my nose I trembled as I willed myself to swallow. With acidic lumps and gurgles, I succeeded and panted heavily out my mouth before exiting, I did not want to see anymore.
"I've found some blood!" Tex's voice called from outside, noticing the front door was now ajar, I moved into the next room.
As much as I didn't want to dwell on what could be in there, I hesitated. The light bulbs buzzed and came to life and even from downstairs I could see outside was gleaming a lot brighter as they attempted to track my steps. Hoping my top had done a good enough job cutting them off. I entered the next room, certain that no matter what I would see it could only fail in comparison to Alfredo's horror show.
"Our little escapee can take a hit." Tink replied between a mix of admiration and aggravation. "Still, it cuts off from here."
"So, she's still around?" Tex questioned more rhetorically as I inspected the mass of bones that scattered the floor before me. Of each shape and size, they lay strewn out as if they had been played with and discarded.
Some remains sat up as if making conversation while propped up. Others lay holding each other and it was only as I took it in with confidence that I would not be sick again, that I noticed it wasn't just animal corpses. It didn't make the discovery less grim as marks of flesh lay caked onto one that wore a dress, strands of hair remaining on the small remaining bits of skin. The sight hit me differently followed by the pink sheets of the bed and the makeup spread out amongst a painted dressing table, a little girl's room was filled with death and at the very oldest toddler corpses.
"Loriiiiiiii!" Tex's voice sang, the undeniably creek of the steps forcing me to jolt and rush forwards to where the bed lay, knocking one of the makeshift dolls as I stumbled and limped. As far as hiding places went, it was an obvious one if he was to come looking. Still, as I investigated the room in a hurry there was little else, the small wardrobe which lay open was scattered in clothes, the bedside table drawer far too small.
"You found her yet?!" Tink demanded, "food is getting cold."
"I think she must be around, hey Heather be a honey and check downstairs, don't think Grandpa would appreciate a visitor roaming his room."
By now the voice was only coming closer. Grabbing at some of the fabric scattered around the floor and grudgingly onto a few bodies, I ducked under the small bed. The wooden frame squashed against my already bruised body, as I placed what I had taken before me to conceal myself around the bed frame. The duvet would cover my sides, if he didn't take much more than a second to search. So, it just left protecting myself from the end of the bed. Creaking along the floor, I heard the first door open before the mutter of the stink that came from his brother's boudoir.
"Come on out, sweetheart. Don't be shy, mama wants to meet you."
Isn't that enticing? I commented to myself and tried to manoeuvre my shoulders and knee to pull myself a bit further back in the claustrophobic space. The darkness had been a hindrance thus far, so just this once I needed to try and use it to my advantage; if the clothes and skeleton failed to conceal me enough from view. After today I would ensure proper maintenance of my own room, frequent sprays of aerosol as my nostrils were still filled with the death, sweat and who only knew what else from Alfredo's room. There would be no getting the stink out, the feeling of being so helpless. There would be no road trips either but first there had to be an escape before I could make an oath to myself.
"It's not nice to leave people waiting." Tex scolded and whimpering, I tilted my head so I could place a hand to my mouth. The moment I heard the door handle squeaking, I knew he was coming in and had to muffle and silence the sound of horrified realisation just how much closer he was getting to me. "You don't need to doll yourself up, you're beautiful enough." Squeezing my eyelids shut, I ignored the bad pun he had made in reference to the room itself and prayed he wouldn't close the gap to where I could just make out the tip of his boots. "Your friends are getting really lonely without you." Dragging myself back a bit more, I noticed as his legs bent and turned my head to the side and lowered my arm trying to make myself as flat and as hidden as possible. Holding my breath, I held it in, any noise, any form of life and he would jump on it. "Think everyone is needing a bit of spring cleaning," he remarked in a mutter tutting away. A hand stretched forwards to pick up the doll sized skeleton I had used in my barricade. "Well, hello, Sally. Heather was just looking for you. Don't suppose you've seen a young lady around here?" Pushing my face further down on the worn and discoloured carpet, I felt it heat and burn against my cheek but didn't dare react to it. For all I knew, he was toying with me, sniffing out any sign he wasn't in the room alone. "No? Well at least I found you." Straightening up, I heard him sigh before calling out my name again. "Let's kiss and make up!"
Wrinkling my nose, I fought down the sickening sensation once more. They were all really too much and if he dared to so much as put his lips on me, I was ready to take his eye out even if it was to be the last act I committed. Watching through the small space as he headed back out, he stopped in his tracks. My eyes remained fixated on him, daring myself not to move a centimetre in case an epiphany had hit him. Humming instead, his boots slinked away as he walked up the side of the bed.
"Looks like Alfredo has company!" He declared loudly, "brought some livestock with him."
"The hell is a damn pig doing here?" Tink demanded back agitated.
"Goddammit...idiot." Tex murmured, his movement creaking before he broke out in a prompt march out the room.
A pig? A cop! Freeing my lips from my hand I heard a commotion down below, voices muffled enough that I couldn't make out the conversation. Shifting with difficulty, I put haste into my movements. If ever there was a chance...Amongst the chatter was a ring of insincere laughter, fighting the heaviness of the boards and mattress, I groaned and used leverage by dragging my nails into the fabric of the flooring to assist me out. They seemed so unaware of the danger they were in, what we had been through for the last few hours.
Pushing myself to the window in a stumbling and broken stride, I groaned, relief was washing over me until I heard the shutting off the front door and the sight of a uniformed man leaving. Smacking a hand against the window, I wrestled with the handle. They didn't turn back. Clenching my fists, I banged more furiously crying out as they stopped in mid-step. As if thinking about it only to suspect nothing, they went on to continue on their way. Twisting more against the metal, it pushed open, immediately they turned back, their face hidden by the flooding of the projection beams.
"Help me!" As my voice croaked and broke, I banged again to show them the desperation. The window would not fully open as I continued hitting it. "Help me!"
"Miss?" The cop called up, "do you need assistance?"
"Fucking help me!" The tears were once again hot and flowing but mixed with laughter or relief as I continued hitting the frame and glass. "Please help me! Oh god, fucking help us!"
"Ma'am, are there others with you? Are you in danger?"
"Yes! Yes!" Replying to both questions frantically, I could hear them beneath the floorboards and at least one person running.
The quickening of footsteps was coming closer from having my position exposed but even with there was another noise, a low rumbling of sorts. The man was stepping back, his hand reaching for the holster of his gun as another man appeared behind him, masking him in shadow. Junior. Junior holding something very large and dangerous in his hands over his head.
"Run!" I ordered him. As the door banged open hitting against the wall, I refused to turn and watched as the unsuspecting man turned and ordered Junior to stand down. The glass reflected my own danger coming up beside me as I yelled again at them to run knowing their hesitation would kill them, there was more than one rogue and he would need to act fast and shoot them or call for backup so many more could come to do the job.
Swearing as I watched Junior continue to close the gap between himself and the law enforcement, a tight grip came from above my hips and snagged my wrists. Forcing my body back against his, Tex hissed as I kicked out my legs in an attempt to get him off and continue screaming at the man below. He refused to let go and positioned his firmer legs in a stance to keep himself upright. "Well peek a boo, sunshine. Looks like I won this game of hide and seek."
From outside, the sound of the chainsaw roared on, the squeals of pain and bone crunching followed. Gripping onto my face as he held me in a sway, Tex grinned at me panting, face reddening in excitement as he allowed me to process what had been my one chance fading along with the man's life.
"You didn't really think I'd let you go like that, did you?" He taunted, nails pinching against the skin harder.
Aiming with difficulty at him, I stopped stunned at the sight of my empty fist. In the commotion, I had left my only form of weapon under the bed. As if knowing I had something, his teeth glinted, eyes seeming to light up more in enthusiasm. Raising a battered leg instead, I attempted to kick him. The man's screams from outside were louder and more desperate now. Jeers being set his way by the other relatives and comparison of being a pig to slaughter but I couldn't dwell on it, it was too late but with what fight I had left I was determined to use.
Moaning, as he blocked my foot and turned enough to send me off balance against my heels, he hooked an ankle around my right leg, but allowed me to be lowered a little more in his grasp. Holding me there as if in some form of dance move, I tried to struggle free as one large hand pinned both my wrists. There was a flicker across his face that burrowed somewhere in amusement to something else, something that made me want to willingly puke on him to get the idea out of his head.
I knew what it meant; I had seen it before in Joel's face but there was nothing endearing about this. "Let go of me!"
"No." Tex said plainly, leaning in as I turned my head instinctively. "Don't be like that. You might like it; I won't kiss and tell if that's what you're worried about."
"Go to hell!" Hissing at him, I forced all of my body weight into the leg that held me so firm and broke his stance taking him with me. Kicking my legs upwards as he went to crumble on me, the heels of my boots connected against his chin earning a small recognition of pain, rolling to the side. Pushing myself back on my hands, my back hit the side of the bed as Tex spat out some blood and saliva. "Get away from me." I warned trying to fumble under the duvet to feel the welcoming cold of metal desperately as he placed a thumb to the corner of his mouth and inspected the red fluid which smudged against his skin. As my chest raised and fell, I continued to search blindly unwillingly to lose sight of him and his next attack.
"That hurt." He admitted as my jaw clenched defiantly.
"Was it because I lied?"
"Depends which part you are referring to."
"The kiss and tell." He shrugged; my eyelids slitted sourly back at him as he sat on his knees for a moment confused. "What did you think I was talking about?"
"The good Samaritan act as you lead us to this fucking hell hole!"
"Home is where the family is." Tex replied idly as I growled. Against my nimble tips, I felt the steel but contact only pushed it back. Without thinking, I turned my head, breaking eye contact with him and before I could process the fatal mistake, he was already there once again forcing me to move.
His hand once more held my wrists as he shoved my body back and allowed my legs to crumble against the bed posts, his body falling with me as he made an amused giggle. Pushing my aching and pained arms upwards, he held them down tight. My body flexing upon the touch as I fought back weakly hoping to make impact with him again. Instead, he smirked. "I like the new look." He complimented as if unaware of just how much I hated him, his free hand taking to caressing the exposed flesh from my ripped top. Snarling at his touch, I tried to twist and turn, he didn't falter as he lowered his head down.
Squeaking pathetically as attempts to push him off failed, I could hear the small kiss he gave as I felt his lips touch my skin. Ordering him once more not to touch me fell on deaf ears. He moved upwards as I turned my head trying to block out the skin crawl, he gave me with each contact he made with his lips coming closer to my face on his small trail.
"You look so helpless," chuckling at his own observation, I gritted my teeth, once more I kicked my legs but was held and pushed down harder with the pressure of his knee. "You don't make this easy, do you?"
"I swear to God-" screaming out as a wet pain pinched into my neck, my voice ruptured in my throat. A moan escaped his own, humming as he clenched his teeth more against my skin. I could feel him sucking on the small wound in satisfaction.

Antecedent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now