Chapter 4

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"Sarada!!!" Boruto yelled

He ran over to her and gently lifted her head

Sarada groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Boruto?" She asked weakly

Boruto hugged her

Sarada saw both of her parents unconscious

"Mom!! Dad!!" She said

Ignoring the immense pain she was in she ran to Sakura first.

"Mom!! Please! Mom!!" Sarada sobbed

Sakura is eyes slowly opened

"Mama!! Thank God!!" Sarada cried

Sakura moved her hand and placed it on Sarada's cheek.

Sakura smiled softly

"You..really are..just like me.." Sakura said

Naruto and Hinata appeared next to Sakura.

"You ok?" Naruto asked

"Yeah, what..what about Sasuke??" Sakura asked

Karin was trying to get Sasuke to bite her.

"Daddy.." Sarada said with more tears streaming down her face.

She got up slowly and went over to him.

"Stay away from Sasuke!! You little shit!!" Karin spat

"Jesus Karin! Relax! She's just a kid!" Suigetsu said

"I don't care!! It's her fault this happened!! Sasuke should've ended up with me not her!!" Karin yelled

Sakura sighed

Karin attacked Sarada

"What the hell Karin!?" Suigetsu hissed

Sarada sat up slowly

"I know more about my father..." Sarada said

Sasuke's eyes opened slowly

"He doesn't want to know you." Karin hissed

Sarada's eyes filled with tears. She knew what Karin said wasn't true but it still hurt.

"I...didn' him in m-my time...h-he was on a mission...for...12...y-years..." Sarada cried

Sasuke's eyes widened, he got out of Karin's grip and sat up slowly.

"All...I ever wanted..was my dad...When I finally did meet him...he..almost killed me...but that was..because he..thought I enemy....after that...we trained together...he embarrassed me was ok...because I knew he was trying....every time he left the village....h-he'd forehead..." Sarada said as more tears poured down her face.

"Sarada..." Sasuke said softly..

Sarada tried to wipe her tears away but more kept coming.

Sakura let a few tears slip.

Karin was still pissed

"Sasuke's mine." She seethed

Karin jumped infront of Sarada and grabbed her by the throat.

"If you don't exist, maybe Sasuke will be mine after all." Karin said as she held a Kunai to the girls head.

"Karin, you pyscho bitch!" Suigetsu said

"" Sarada choked out

Karin ignored her words

Sasuke stood up and grabbed Karin by her throat.

Karin let Sarada go

Boruto and Sakura ran over to Sarada.

"What gives you the right to think I belong to anybody? And don't touch MY daughter." Sasuke hissed

"Daddy.." Sarada said softly.

Sasuke threw Karin to the ground

"Sasuke-Kun..." Sakura said

Sasuke quickly vanished

"Sasuke!!" Naruto called out.

Sakura hugged Sarada tightly.

The young Uchiha cried into her mothers shoulder.

The group went back to the Village, Sarada was laid up in a hospital bed.

"Sarada? Are you ok?" Boruto asked

"Yeah, just a little sore.." she said

Sakura came in the room with Tsunade.

"You'll be staying here overnight then you'll be discharged tomorrow." Tsunade said

"We don't have a place to stay." Boruto said

"You can both stay with me. I moved out of my parents place a few months ago." Sakura suggested.

"You never talked about your parents before..." Sarada said

Sakura sighed

"They've never been supportive of me and my dreams....I don't need them." Sakura said a bit coldly.

Sarada noticed the pain and sadness in the teens eyes.

Sakura quickly perked up

"I'm so happy your ok!" She said with a soft smile.

Sarada smiled back

"What about Sasuke sensei?" Boruto asked

Sakura's smile faded

"We'll get him back, no matter how long it takes." Naruto said as he entered the room.

Tsunade sighed

"Do I have to remind you all that we're preparing for a war?" She asked

Sarada and Boruto looked at each other and then their eyes widened.

"The 4th Great Ninja war....." Boruto said softly.

"Oh yeah, you two know what happens during that right? Can you tell us?" Naruto asked

Sarada shook her head

"We've told you too much already." She said

Naruto huffed

"You sound just like Sasuke." He said

"Well, he is my dad after all!" She beamed

"I don't think that's something to be proud of.." Naruto hissed

"Baka-Naruto!" Sakura spat and punched him in the head

Boruto laughed

Sarada glared at him then did the same as her mother.

"Baka-Boruto." She spat

"Like mother like daughter." Tsunade smiled

Sakura and Sarada giggled

"Like father like son." The two said as they looked at the Uzumaki boys rubbing their heads.

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