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The Renxin Pavilion was sealed, and Xie Yan had no place in the capital, so he decided to take Guangdan, who refused to leave him, to go to Jiangzhou Prefecture together.

According to Xiaoba's search, it was found that now the defunct prince Chu Jiuzhang is recuperating in a courtyard in Jiangzhou Prefecture. According to the plot, Chu Jiuzhang was attacked by strong bandits two years ago on his way to the south to deal with floods. His tendons and veins were accidentally cut off. He has since become disabled. Jiangzhou Prefecture rested and recuperated, and the sage took pity on it, so it was approved.

And Xie Ying's death was not unrelated to Chu Jiuzhang's foot disease. Since Chu Jiuzhang's feet were abolished, Xie Ying has devoted himself to seeking a cure. It lasted for two years. Not long ago, he finally discovered from the ancient recipe that Chu Jiuzhang's broken tendons can be repaired. The third prince, who was in the prime of his life, learned of this matter, and he carried his mother-in-law and staged a trick to frame the imperial doctor, and Xie Ying died.

As Xie Ying's nephew, Xie Yan, medical skills are better than blue. Let's not talk about whether Xie Yan knows how to continue the pulse and nourish the tendons. Anyway, they would rather kill by mistake than let it go, so there is a drama of father and son killing people but blackmailing Xie Yan. What's more, they also want to get the "Medicine Annotation" handed down by the ancestors of the Xie family.

In the original plot, Xie Yan was trapped, was escorted to prison by the yamen, and was quickly sentenced to be executed. However, during the execution, a group of dead men fell from the sky, kidnapped him, and fled in the direction of Jiangzhou Prefecture. It's a pity The three princes and their party were chasing and killing them, and they were defeated, and Xie Yan was arrested again. Xie Yan, who was taken back, couldn't stand the torture and explained the "Medical Annotation". 

Since then, he has become the medicine man of a young doctor beside the third prince. Not only did they use him to test medicines, but every time they encountered an intractable disease, the doctor forced him to seek a solution to the disease, and the young doctor also used this to achieve the name of a genius doctor. 

Xie Yan was of course unwilling. When they became increasingly neglectful of guards, he secretly developed poisons. Finally, when he was trying to cure a disease, he mixed the poison into the antidote to ruin the reputation of the doctor.

But he didn't know that his every move was under their control, and the antidote was originally meant to be fed to the emperor. They had long wanted to rebel, so they poisoned the emperor with his hands, and then put the charges on his head.

They gained both fame and fortune, but Xie Yan had carried all the infamy and became the villain who poisoned the emperor by the mouth of the people. Like his uncle who poisoned the noble concubine, he deserved to go to eighteen levels of hell. Xie's nine clans were also slaughtered. 

After reading all the plots, Xie Yan thought that the group of dead men who rescued people from the execution ground should have been sent by the abolished prince Chu Jiuzhang. No matter what he did to save them, it was Xie Yan and Guangdan who were the Jiangzhou mansion today. The most suitable place to go. Of course, he had just escaped the assassination of the "father and son", and it was absolutely impossible for the three princes to let him go so easily. 

However, in the original plot, Guangdan died to protect the master, which can be regarded as loyal. Since he has become Xie Yan, he will protect Guangdan comprehensively. 

After they were sealed in the Renxin Pavilion, they had already packed up and walked out of the capital. At this moment, Guang Dan was carrying a medicine pestle and other utensils, and followed Xie Yan with a sad face. "Master, it's getting dark, what should we do tonight?" 

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