CH 22 - Stay

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You guys awake when your father awake all of you up. You guys sit up and rub you guys eyes. Your father giggled look at you guys.

Dad : Wake up everyone. Why did you guys sleep down here?

He smile.

Dad : Y/N sweetheart, wake up...

You stretch your body and open your eyes.

Dad : Go and sleep in your brothers room. It still early.

You nod and walk away. Your father was confused where you go. He giggled and shake his head. Because you were half asleep so you didn't see where you go.

You dad walk to you and carry you in bridal style. He takes you to one of your brothers room since he didn't want you to stay in the guest room. He still in process to prepare your room even he didn't know that you going to stay with them or not. He lie you down and cover you with blanket.

He sit at your side and pat your arm so you will go back to sleep. You groan in your sleep. You moving around and rest your head on your father lap. He was smiling wider. He caress your hair and stay there. He didn't mind about going to the office.

?? : You're gonna be late, dad.

He turn a bit his head and saw his oldest son standing at the door frame.

Dad : How i wish that i can spoil her a lot soon. Buy her everything that she want.

?? : Me too. I can't wait for that day.

Dae : Take care of her well, Jin. Fulfill every of her needed.

Jin : I will, dad. You should go, right. You have board meeting.

Dad : I know.

He sighed and he slowly place your head on the pillow. He kiss your forehead and left. Jin walk to the bathroom while let you sleeping on his bed. He take a quick shower.

He wrap a towel around his waist and went out from the bathroom. He was shocked and scream when he saw you already awake. You close your eyes with your palm. Not too long the others barge into the room.

Suga : What happen?

Namjoon : Did we under attack?

They said panicked and look around.

Jungkook : Hyung, what did you do?

Suga : What did you try to do to

They yell at him and walk to you.

Jin : I just finish showering. I didn't know that she already awake. We just shocked look at each other.

He said while still covering his upper body.

Jungkook : Come, lil sister. I will take you to my room. You can take a shower there.

Y/N : I can take a shower at guest room.

You wrote on your notepad. You always have notepad and pen in your pocket.

Jungkook : No. That room is for guest only.

Y/N : Maid room?

Suga : That room only for maid. You are our sister.

Jungkook : Come.

He said and drag you away. He push you into his room gently. He take his oversize shirt and pass it to you. He also pass one small paper bag. You look inside and there have your essentials and short pants.

Before you could do anything, he left his room. You take chance to shower and changing. You was drying your hair when you coming out from the bathroom.

You saw the maknae was there. Jimin take the towel from you and make you sit on the bed. He help to dry your hair gently. You saw a photo on Jungkook nightstand. You take it and look at the photo. It was family photo.

Taehyung : That was us when we still a kids.

You nod understand. You feel a bit jealous because you don't have a family photo. You sighed and put back the photo.

Jungkook : Let's have breakfast.

You nod and Jimin hold your hand. He take you downstair and the others greet you happily.

Jimin : Have a sit, Princess.

You smile at the nicknames. Jin serve few pancakes on your plate. You thanks him in sign and start eating. They also start eating while still looking at you. You raise your head and look at them confused.

Y/N : What you guys look at me like that?

You wrote on your notepad.

Hobi : We was happy when you with us. We're really happy.

You avoid their gazes and eating again.

Jin : Y/N, do you want to stay here with us?

Suga : We can fulfill whatever you want.

You sighed. Actually you have been warm with their present lately. You love how they taking care of you even about small thing. You love how they manage patients with you since you can't talk. You wrote something in your notepad.

Y/N : I'll try to stay here for 3 month.

They was jumping from their seat excitedly. Taehyung pull your hand and make you stand. He spin you around. All of them hug you.

Jimin : That was a good news for us. Actually the happy one.

You was shocked because you never see this side of them at school. How can they change 360 degree in just few days.

Jungkook : We'll take care of you from now on and you can tell us anything.

You nod. He was hugging you again. And for the first time in your life, you feel so much happiness. It's bubble up inside you. But deep inside your heart, you will never forget their devil side.

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