14: Kathy's Date

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"I've been waiting so long
To be where I'm going
In the sunshine of your love"

~"Sunshine of Your Love" by Cream

Kathy held up two dresses as she looked in the mirror. One was crimson with a golden tassel hanging off of the waist. The other was a blue, black, and yellow floral with a shift waist and flowing sleeves.

Instead of asking herself which one she liked best, Kathy found herself wondering which one Jim would like best.

The concert was two weeks away and preparations had been in full swing until the arrival of the mysterious drum set yesterday.

Kathy had dreamed of it all night; the shiny silver, the crisp sound, the bright ring of the high hats.

Bash had found Syl and brought her back to Wolgemoth, only saying that Syl wasn't feeling well and that she was going to bed.

Kathy had yet to play the drum set, but she suspected Syl had something to do with it, so she would wait until they were all together to give it a go.

For now, she had an errand to run. And a date to get to.

Bash had gone to pick up Smiley from school (Kathy didn't ask why) and Syl was manning the station until they got back.

The curtain to Kathy's room fluttered as Syl knocked against the fabric.

Kathy shoved her dresses underneath her bed and offered a strained, "Come in."

Syl moved the curtain back and Kathy noticed the distinct pallor of her skin. Her hair hung in limp ringlets around her head like she'd just woken up from a long nightmare.

"You alright, love?" Kathy asked. "Aren't you supposed to be on air?"

Syl's appearance brightened slightly when she smiled. "I've got an 8-minute Dylan song playing."

Her eyes glanced toward the bed, where the red-and-gold corner of Kathy's dress peeked out from beneath it.

Kathy stiffened. If it had been anybody else, they wouldn't have paid any mind. But this was Syl. And Kathy knew she'd been caught.

"It's not...I don't..." Kathy faltered, twisting her hands in front of her.

Syl relaxed her shoulders and stepped forward.

She and Kathy sat on the bed and Kathy braced herself for a lecture.

"I understand," Syl said, her words slow. "About you and Jim. I didn't realize he meant so much to you. You don't have to hide him away because of me."


Syl nodded.

Kathy's eyes welled with tears. "Oh, Syl, you don't know how much that means to me!"

"Yes, well–"

"You'd just love him! He's kind and funny and considerate. He loves technology. He thinks we're really going to put men on the moon one day! Maybe he could come aboard the ship and meet the boys, and you and I could–"

"I don't think I'm there yet, Kath," Syl interrupted apologetically. "But I'm glad you like him."

She patted Kathy's knee and stood up. "I should get back to the station. Enjoy your outing."

Kathy followed suit and got to her feet. "You got it for me, didn't you?"


"The kit. It was you. Wasn't it?"

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