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The cool air washed over my abdomen like calm lake water as I peeled off my damp tank top and draped it over the small table by the bed with Soren's shirt. My bra remained on, as did my cargo pants in respect for Soren. I definitely disliked wet clothes, and now that things had settled enough for me to feel it, I wanted them gone.

Oh well. When my shirt dried, I'd put it back on and dry something else. I wouldn't melt until then. After all, we had an actual bedroom here so I didn't need to complain.

Soren's soft drawn out sigh captured my attention and I glanced over to see him staring down at the floor. His toned torso shone with a light sheen of sweat and he rubbed the back of his neck before looking down at his hands. "Day?"

A small smile curled my lips at the nickname, and I sat on the edge of the bed. "What's up?"

He titled his head to look at me, his face solemn and his mouth drawn into a straight line. "I'm really sorry for everything. It's just when they kept prodding me. . . ."

"I know. It's okay," I assured gently, easing up from the bed. It took a few seconds for me to walk to him, and I settled my hand on his warm shoulder. "What they did was wrong."

He glanced down, biting his lip as he shook his head. When he reconnected eye contact, the struggle he felt showed itself in the worry lines creasing his forehead. "What if I had killed you?"

"You didn't though." I swallowed, gripping his shoulder and hoping I could bring him some form of comfort.

"But I could've," he argued and his voice cracked. His rough hand cradled the side of my head as he turned to face me, searching my features like it would be the last time he saw me. "What if I do that one day? Just lose myself and turn on you?"

I let out a silent breath and looked into his eyes, noting the gold beginning to gleam in them. "If I survived it, I'd still care about you."

"And if you didn't?" He prompted, his thumb moving over my ear.

I pressed my hand against his chest, his steady albeit quick heartbeat drumming under my palm. "Then what better way to go?"

He went to speak, but he stopped and drew in a breath. Heaviness pulled at his shoulders making them droop, and he swallowed before licking his lips. His nostrils flared every few moments, and his uneven breathing moved his chest in soft heaves.

I wanted to ask if he was okay, but it seemed like such a foolish question. If I were him I wouldn't be okay so I didn't ask. What could I do anyway? My presence wasn't helping much if at all. I didn't know what else to do, but I wanted his torture to end with everything in me.

He let his hand fall from my head and stepped back, his broad back facing me as he turned toward the door. "Goodnight. I hope you sleep well."

"What a damn minute!" I squeezed my body in the small space between him and the door. I felt his hand on the knob against my back, his knuckles poking against my skin. "Where are you going? We have a bed here and I don't want you out of my sight."

Torment flowed yellow in the usual color of his eyes as he looked down at me. "I. . .I've got to sleep somewhere else."

I didn't understand. Did I do something wrong? Shaking my head, I fought against the sting of betrayal threatening to creep up on me. "But why?"

Every trace of brown in his irises disappeared, replaced by revenant gold in full force. He breathed heavily, his lips parting for a moment as he drew in a deep breath. "It's taking everything in me not to pin you against the nearest surface and ravish the fuck out of you. And I don't want to be a monster again, not toward you."

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