Chapter 4

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Jade awoke with a start. Her head was pounding and she felt as if something heavy was weighing her down. She blinked several times trying to clear her vision. She could hear the crackling of a fire nearby. That's weird, had she fallen asleep in the family room? Her mouth and throat were dry as a bone. She needed something to drink immediately. She tried to sit up but upon moving was assaulted with that splitting pain in her head once more.

"Your awake." She heard from a very unfamiliar, distinctly male voice. Jade was instantly on high alert. Who was this intruder in her home and what had he done to Gram?! What had he done to her? She felt like she had been poisoned. Despite the pain, it caused her she forced herself to sit up and face her possible attacker. Right away she realized she was not at home at all. She was in a strange bed chamber with a very dangerous-looking strange man staring at her from across the room. She looked at him up and down and couldn't help but think that he looked absolutely nothing like what she imagined a kidnapper would look. He was actually quite handsome with striking features and a very masculine build.

Her kidnapper was looking at her with a very strange expression indeed. "Emerald Green." He seemed to whisper to himself. "Excuse me?" She replied completely bewildered and starting to wonder if her kidnapper was completely off his rocker when he smiled at her. "Your eyes, they are emerald green. I was starting to wonder at their color." Jade was speechless. Did he really kidnap her to discuss the color of her eyes?!

Ok Jade you're a witch and not completely defenseless; you can get yourself out of this mess. She thought to herself; And what in blazes had happened to Gram and Blake, she wondered? Last she remembered they had been with her at the cottage. If she could just keep him talking long enough for her to find an opening, then she would find them so they could all make their escape. "Where am I?" she asked carefully to mask her growing fear. She reckoned Gram would be proud of the cool composure she was keeping under the circumstances. Really she was quite surprised at herself for not totally freaking out. She was sure he was completely fooled by her brave front.

Alec could tell she was completely terrified; her face mirrored her every thought and her heart was beating a mile a minute. He would give her props for not bursting into hysterics. He didn't know how to reassure her. He hadn't expected to be the one to be here when she awoke. He had simply stopped in because he felt an overwhelming need to check on her and assure himself that she was ok. Now that he was here and she was awake he was unsure how to proceed and how much of the truth to reveal to her at the moment. She was about to find out that her whole life had been a lie and he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to be the one to rip the ground out from under her feet.

"You are in Chryseos which is located at the heart of Draconspire" He simply replied and Jade felt the blood drain from her face. She was in Chryseos, a city of vampires?! Now she was really starting to panic. She had never met a vampire face to face but she had heard all the tales, or horror stories more like. She knew vampires preferred to keep to themselves and stay within the Draconspire Citadel. They only ventured out to hunt. Mostly at night. It would have taken weeks to make the journey here. Her situation was a lot bleaker than she had realized. Especially if she was here as dinner.

Jade swallowed hard and asked the question she most feared the answer to. "Who are you and why have you brought me here?" She went on to say, "I must warn you that I'm a witch and surely you must know our blood is protected with a spell. A single drop of my blood will most likely kill you. Not to mention the fact that I have a very sour disposition I'm afraid and I'm sure to taste rather sour." She could only hope he bought all that hogwash. Blood spelled indeed, if she survived this she would have to look into it and see if such a spell really existed.

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