15|Dinner disaster

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"Why did you just put a knife in my friend's shoulder?" Gaia asks. "G-Gaia? What are you doing here?" he asks, looking like he's seen a ghost.

"Who do you think brought her here doofus? Now answer the question or I'll call the cops!"

"This was an accident-"

"An intentional accident?"

"I-I didn't mean to do this!"

"Yeah right. Here I was thinking she was taking so long to come back 'cause both of you were smooching or something, but thank God I came to confirm that!"

Of course, she just had to say something questionable. "I'm sure you thought she came here alone, right? You were probably like 'Man I'm gonna hurt Cassi so good today' but think again!"

He grimaces at her. "What is wrong with you? I wasn't even-"

"No. Mia is going to hear of this Jack."


"Shut up both of you!" I cry. "There is a knife in my shoulder and all you can do is argue" I yell. "I'm going to die," I shudder. "I'm going to die if you both are the ones helping me."

"No you're not," he reassures me, leading me to his bed. "Just lay down." He sits me on his bed and raises my legs, as he gently pushes my chest so I can lay on my back.

"So what are we going to do now?" Gaia asks. "I... I know how to stitch," Jack offers. "What? No please take me to a hospital! The injury is just going to get worse!" I try to put pressure on it to reduce the bleeding.

"Cassi wait-"

"No, I can't wait! Only a medical professional can handle this please don't do this on your own."

"Be quiet already! Do I look like I have a medical professional in my closet? No. The nearest hospital is in Rosewood and you would have been dead before we even get to the subway."

I gasp, slapping a hand over my mouth. "Dude," Gaia chuckles. "You have to relax."

He heaves a sigh. "I'll go get the needle and thread," he says and lets go of me before leaving the room.

"So... I know you're probably not in the mood to talk but... how did this happen?" I shut my eyes, shaking my head. "I was just trying to get him to open up to me... then I guess he got mad and..."

"Open up about what?"

"About why he looked so... crazy... and why he was so grumpy... I was just trying to care since he also cared for me."

"Marie... Sometimes it's best if you just mind your business."

"I know but-"

"You were asking someone who lives alone in the woods to open up to you... you've got some guts," she chuckles. "You have no idea who this guy is... all he did was carry you home... and suddenly you want to be his savior... you want to share his burden with him... what if that burden is something you can't carry?"

"I... I just... why are you saying all this?"

"Because I live in Moorwood... I've seen a lot of things happen... you're just naive. Trust me and leave him alone."

She's right. But I wish she wasn't. I just wanted to help. Gosh, why am I thinking this way? He has so many friends that can help already.

He walks into the room holding the needle, thread, and a towel. "Could you help me thread this?" he asks Gaia, stretching the things out to her. "Did I tell you I know how to thread a needle?" she snaps.

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