Chapter 105: Popularity

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The heroic marshal adult is pregnant? Are you kidding?

Unless Marshal is a man dressed as a woman... But Ruoya does not prohibit women from joining the army, and Marshal Raymond’s experience from small to large has been shackled hundreds of years ago. If so, how could he be a woman?

Or, in fact, Major General Kings is a woman? Also, Major General Kings is beautiful, and the face is placed on the woman without any sense of rebellion, even more beautiful than most women...

When many people think that the media is talking, there is another news coming out - the marshal adults are pregnant with triplets.

Oh, this news is really fake. The twins in Ruoya are already a miracle, triplets. Isn’t this a joke?

It is a pity that those who insisted that this was a fake news were not long before they were beaten because the people around Marshal Raymond released a photo of the embryo and vowed to say that the three children were very stable.

So... Is the marshal really pregnant? Are their idols pregnant?

Just as the news became more and more intense, Joshua’s obsessive Duke of Case published an article.

At the beginning of this article is a picture of a twin fetus that is almost two months old, followed by a record of the physical status of the "father" and a record of the fetus, and down, which is a picture of the fetus, and Their physical condition at different times.

A pair of twins with different abilities grow up slowly in a man's belly and are eventually removed by laparotomy... Nowadays, they have adapted to the outside situation and no longer need to be soaked in nutrient solution.

In the last photo, two children were lying together on a small crib, one of them was biting the other's toe, and the bitten person stared at the other's foot, and seemed to be ready to go.

The two children look very similar, their hands and feet are very small, pink and tender, and cute people want to cross the screen to hug them.

The people of Joao felt that the door to a new world was opened.

It turns out that men can also get pregnant!

Could it be that... If Ruoya wants to solve the problem of fertility today, she needs to change her gender to live?

No, if Rua is not without homosexuality, if a man can really be born, it will not be blown out at this time, but recently, there are piles of things that are quite big.

The prince who sent the prince to take some inexplicable pills for others to eat, others actually became pregnant, very magical, the children of pregnant people are not normally in the womb...

Someone has undergone a rigorous comparison and suddenly found that the pregnant man’s child seems to be in a tumor...

Isn't that three pills free for men to get pregnant?

Queen, Raymond, and the many pregnant women, are they eating the kind of pills?

Who is the pregnant man in the article of the Duke of Case?

Is it... what has been studied in the upper empire, but with civilians?

At this time, a well-known journalist said on the Internet that he knew that the Duke of Case was pregnant, but the news had been banned from publicity.

Knowing this news, more people blasted, and Ruoya’s online became very lively. Everyone was curious about what the three pills were, and questioned the existence of this pill.

At this time, Case's door has been blocked by all kinds of people, and all the people who can get his contact information are all going to see him.

Before the Queen and Case were pregnant, although the nobles were very yearning, they also had concerns. The children who are pregnant in this way, who knows if there is any problem?

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