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"Michael, did you fall in love with a vampire?" the Saintess asked.

Michael was stunned on the spot. He stared at the Saintess blankly. He never had that thought in his head, because love was already a very foreign term for Michael. Now, the Saintess actually confronted him with a ridiculous question.

Fell in love with a vampire? How could that be?!

"I will never—" Michael paused when he saw the Saintess' solemn face fell upon him. As if she had guessed what was in his heart better than himself.

"Do not be hasty when replying to a question about love, love is a sacred feeling," Saintess said. "Find the truth deep in your heart, Michael. I don't want you to regret it later."

"Saintess..." Michael lowered his head, he bit his lips because of the conflicting feeling in his heart. He was unaware of it before, but the Saintess confronted him about it, he slowly realized it himself, "I'm not sure about my feelings either. But... I don't want him to die."

"Even after you know about his true identity as a vampire?"

"... yes."

Saintess nodded, and she caressed Michael's head gently, "You will admit it later. But I will reply to your question before, the answer is, not all demons are evil, including vampires. God has given me the eyes of the past, I've seen demons who protected humans, and I saw those who killed humans for sport. Although very rare, some demons are not born to be a demon. Vampires were humans who died, but got cursed, or bitten by the fellow vampires."

"Some of them retained their past memory. Maybe that Vampire Duke is one of them," the Saintess said, "He could've killed you last night, but he didn't. Instead, he protected you although risking his identity to be revealed," Saintess reasoned clearly.

"But he is still a vampire, what if... he wants to trick me? Maybe he just wants to use me for something," Michael still didn't let his guard down.

"You are the next Saint, you are immune to his mind manipulation."

"But, if... if I do fall in love with him, what should I do? Saintess, I will not be able to inherit the title of Saint if I fall in love with someone, and that person is a man."

Saintess smiled mysteriously, "God knows what is good and what not."

Then, the Saintess opened her holy book and started reading again, it was the sign that she was not up for another minute of discussion. Michael zipped his mouth and excused himself. He walked aimlessly around the grand church, he was conflicted.

'If I really fall in love with that man, I'll be invalid to be a Saint, right?'

'But... do I still have the face to be a Saint? After all the blood that had been spilled...'


[Pupa: Ding! Breakmeter increases to 80%, Fatemeter 60%. Congratulations, host.]

[Wait, what? Why?]

Yunyu was surprised. He was on his way back to the carriage. He was busy helping the people in the slum, he didn't know what happened with Michael in the grand church.

[Pupa: Not sure, but you are close to completing this world, unexpectedly.]

[What do you mean 'unexpectedly'?! I am a great actor!]

Yunyu still couldn't let go of his grievance against the system. He felt that the system didn't expect much from him. He was undoubtedly qualified for the job! Yunyu stomped his feet when he entered the carriage back to his mansion.