Chapter 17: She's Playing The Bad Boys Game

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This one is long so I’d advice you settle down comfortably without any interruptions.  =) enjoy!

Chapter 17:  She’s Playing The Bad Boy’s Game


            “Coach Boysin, please, please, please!”

            The hairy beast spun around and glared.  “I’m sorry but how do you expect me to add you on the team when you can’t even get your ass on the field ONCE!  OUT OF THREE TRYOUTS!”

            Slamming my hands together, I shook them, pleading.  “I swear I’ll never be late again!  This would mean a lot to me—”

            Her mammoth hand blocked my face, bringing me a quick step back.  “Choice made and it’s a no.  You missed the third and last tryout, meaning a definite no.  Final.  Done.  End of discussion.”  With that, Coach Boysin strolled to her office, leaving me alone in the change room. 

            I was ready to blame Brian but of course, it really wasn’t his fault.  I never asked to go back to school.  Hell, the last soccer tryout never crossed my mind. 

            Sulking out the door, I walked into the hall, my shoulders hunched in defeat.  Waiting patiently, Brian peeled off of the locker and shot me a warm smile.  “How did it go?” he asked, wrapping his arm around me. 

            Letting out a sigh, I weakly shrugged.  “She said no.”

            Brian frowned and embraced me into a hug.  I inhaled his scent and slightly felt a little better, digging my face into his neck. 

            Pulling me close, Brian nuzzled his face into my hair, “That coach doesn’t know the greatest opportunity had just passed by.  You’re amazing!  Young MVP female player in Canada?  Pfft, she’s definitely going to regret this now.  I bet she’s going to come back begging.”

            I was glad he couldn’t see my face, because my cheeks flushed red, finding his compliment overwhelming.  “Stop that!  You know I hate it when you butter me up.  Besides, you’ve never even seen me play,” I mumbled in his shirt.

            “I bet you’re amazing.”  Brian tipped my chin, aligning our faces.  “But how ‘bout a kiss to make up for it?” he grinned.

            Smirking and rolling my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck.  “Depends how good it’s gonna be,” I challenged.

            “Let’s find out,” he whispered in a husky voice, triggering my heart to skip a beat.

            “Miss DeLor!”

            I yanked away, and tugged my shirt down.  Brian shoved his hands in his pockets, eyes searching the ground.

            “I’ve finally read your profile,” she barked, holding a large folder.  “You believe in second chances?”

            My eyes lighting up, I saluted with a confident look.  “Yes, mam!”

            Coach Boysin snuck a tiny smile, and immediately covered it with a serious, intense stare.  “Good.  Tomorrow, on the field, full uniform, six in the morning, sharp.  Cleats tied, shorts not wrapped, shirt tucked in, no stomach shown, hair up, and on time.  Got it?”

            “Yes, sir- I mean, mam!  Yes, mam!  I promise I won’t let you down!” I snapped.

            “I hope you make promises you can keep,” she said and went back into her office. 

Playing The Bad Boy's Game (Completed July 2012) FIRST BOOK SO IT IS CRAP W A R N I N Gजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें