Chapter 34

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A/N - did I ditch college to write this chapter? You'll never know...

Take a shot every time you read the words 'patient' or 'patience' LMAO

Kinda upsetting scenes this chapter


"Can you two shut up? Some of us actually need sleep before we go to school tomorrow", I turned away from Ezra and peered over at Eli who was sitting up in his bed, arms crossed and a frown on his face.

I had to say, it hadn't taken long for the Reyes siblings to take my mind off of what had happened at home at all; Maceo had made me a hot chocolate within five minutes, Eli had offered to let me do his makeup (fucking shocker), Aleja had made me a card covered in- you guessed it, glitter, and Ezra hadn't left my side since I'd walked through his door.

But as of now, Ezra and I were lying in his bed about to go to sleep, and Eli was on the other side of the room in his complaining every five seconds.

"Since when do you care about how you show up to school?", Ezra mumbled from beside me; he was barely awake right now - I ran my fingers up and down his shirtless stomach delicately as his eyes closed, "shut up and go to sleep".

"Says the one who's fucking giggling every time Izzy breathes", he scowled, throwing the duvet over himself and lying down, "night Izzy".

"Night Eli", I chuckled, turning back on my side and facing my boyfriend, "thank you for today". A small smile spread across Ezra's face and his eyes opened a little, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead, then another, and another.

"Anytime darlin'", he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "he didn't mean any of what he said to you y'know?". I knew that. But he still said it, and I didn't intend on speaking to him right now.

"I know", I whispered, "I can't stay mad at him forever".

"No shit", he let out a sleepy chuckle as his eyes drifted shut, I smiled and kept running my hand up and down his stomach.
"Sleep", I told him and he hummed; I don't even know if he registered it- the guy was knocked out in seconds.

He looked beautiful.


"Can't believe this bullshit", we'd been listening to the back and forth dispute between Eli and their parents for a good 15 minutes, "it's not fair!".

"You're going on like we just told him he can drop out", Elian scoffed, "it's for the rest of the week".

"What if I told you I want to take care of Izzy too? Would you let me stay off then?", Ezra snorted but after a glare from his brother he covered it up with a cough.

"No, because Izzy doesn't need 24/7 monitoring Eli", Mirana bit back a smile, "just go and get your bag, you'll be fine once you're in there".

"Yeah, that'll happen", he left the room with a frown on his face, he was something else.

It was Wednesday, and less than 24 hours since my dispute with Zane; I had no intention of attending school for the rest of the week on the off chance that Xander could possibly be there.

Sure he wouldn't be going there for Talon anymore, but there was a chance he'd turn up looking for me- a pretty big chance considering the 45 missed calls I'd had from him in about 12 hours. Did I feel guilty? Slightly, but I just needed to get away from that house for a bit, occupants included.

"Darlin'?", Ezra's voice made me blink and glance up to him, "you okay?".

"Yeah...just thinking", I picked up the coffee he'd made for me and took a sip, almost as good as mine.

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