Chapter 3

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He has lovely eyes, they weren't brown like his hair but hazel and they looked so lovely and were twinkling in the night like little stars. His eyes shone brightly like diamonds when he smiled and knowing he was smiling at me made my heart go thump thump thump. I don't even know how I must look like staring at him like this, what does he think of it, what does he think of me?

Not liking the path my thoughts were taking I turned around wanting to be the one to end eye contact first but not before catching his grin and a wink and unlike Faye's continuous failed attempts his was almost perfect and sexy.

"Seems like you had a moment with Mr brown hair,he doesn't strike me as a Jackson though." He said and we both laughed, it was nice to know we were thinking the same thing. "Why hasn't he come around yet? From the way you guys were staring he should have been here almost immediately to ask about your name and talk to you."

I shrugged acting as if it didn't bother me but really I was beginning to wonder if all these campus guys found me attractive, it's like they just ask for my number and we never talk and the ones that we get to talk they have nothing worthy of my attention to say and some expect me to come to them, maybe Jack falls under this category, maybe it's a game with all these girls, maybe he's even counting down to when I will show up next to me and then a thought crosses my head, why didn't I think of this sooner? Maybe he thinks Logan and I are dating and that is what's stopping him from making a move.

"I think he thinks we're a thing." I said and Logan started laughing.

"I think you might be right considering that he's looking at us like he's trying to crack a code. Julia's already here, see you later, feel me in on whatever happens." He winked suggestively, there was no way anything could happen between us, not only because he probably won't want that but because I won't allow it.

I heard his voice before I saw him, "your boyfriend seems really chill about another guy wanting to make a move at his girl." I chuckled laughing at his assumption and how he didn't beat around the bush to try to know who Logan is to me and that means I was right, he really thought that he was. I really like the way his voice sounds, the way he pronounces his words, the way his words leave his mouth and affects my stomach.

"Logan is not my boyfriend, he's just a friend, in fact he went to meet his date." I don't know why I added the last part, maybe because I just wanted him to know the truth and not assume anything else is going on between Logan and I so that something could possibly happen between us .

"So there's no date for you to go meet?" He asked raising one of his perfect brows.

" None for now." I answered and he smiled, "then I can make this an impromptu date while we wait for our official date tomorrow."

Did he just ask me out on a date, no he didn't ask, he stated and I laughed. "What makes you think that I want to go out on a date with you?" I raised my eyebrows while I answered the question so he knows it wasn't a joke or rhetorical question but that didn't stop him from laughing though.

He probably has no answer to the question and tried to get out of answering it with the laugh and then he replied my question with a question, "who wouldn't?" He sounded too cocky for my liking.

He probably tries this with other girls, talk to them, flirt with them, go out on a date with them, get them in his bed and continue the cycle. I wasn't about to be just another random chick that ends in his bed.

"You're attractive Jackson but that's not enough for me to go out on a date with you." Jackson? The name even felt weird rolling out of my tongue. He might be one good looking dude but I wouldn't call him handsome and this wasn't about the looks, it doesn't seem like he's worth me leaving my room and there was something about him that was annoying me, he might have a nice voice but his manner of speech isn't nice despite the articulation of his words. I found him attractive at the same time I didn't, I like the way his voice sounded and the way it made me feel but I didn't like the tone with which he talked. I liked him but at the same time I didn't.

"Now why won't you want to go out on a date with me, I bet I'm the most interesting and attractive guy that has ever walked up to you." I didn't miss the condescending words or the tone with which he spoke. He might be the most attractive guy that has ever walked up to me but there was nothing about him that was interesting and I was right, he's rude, arrogant and everything not good.

He sounded too cocky, I bet the only thing he has going on for him was his looks and even at that, a fine face with zero character is a big zero, a big no no for me.

I wanted to reply him but seriously didn't even have a response to him. I admired him better when it was from afar, when I didn't know his funny name and mostly when I hadn't heard him speak.

"Hey, lighten up, I'm only joking, you don't have to look like that." I turned to look at him and he looked like he hadn't meant it but at the same time I knew that tone of speech, it was condescending and cocky and maybe there was nothing wrong with the way he said it or maybe I misinterpreted it or maybe he just talks to people like that.

"You don't have to go out on a date with me, we could just get to know each other here." I wanted to walk out before now but something tugged at my heart to at least try it out and maybe it was just my insecurity that was misinterpreting things earlier.

"I guess I could see how that turns out." He gave me a small smile as I turned to face him as he started to tell me about himself.

In as much as he was talking about himself it was surface things, it's not like I expected a stranger to bare out his secrets and whole life history to me but I didn't feel any connection between us.

I felt his hands around my waist as he listened to me talk about how I liked his style, I also noticed that his hands were starting to move along my thighs as he paid no attention to what I was saying and was touching me subtly but I was feeling the effects massively. I wanted him to stop because I didn't want to end up like other girls but also I didn't want him to stop because I liked the way I was feeling, I liked the way he was staring at me now with a smile as his hands on my waist went higher and considering he has been touching my bare skin since I was wearing a crop top I was feeling extra tingly. I didn't want his hands to stop roaming, in fact I wanted it to trail higher and touch me, I wanted to feel his hands on my breast. Is this what it feels like for a love spell to have been casted or was this just lust?

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