Chapter 17: Vows

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Though Molly didn't live far from the hospital, Sherlock still hailed a cab; they couldn't waste time by walking. "How much time do we have left?" he asked. He hated having to ask, but he had to know.

"Forty hours and nineteen minutes," Kimmy asked after glancing at her phone. The two sat in silence for a few minutes. Out of the corner of his eye, Sherlock could see her rubbing the end of the Doctor's bowtie—which she had tied and knotted around her wrist like a bracelet—between her thumb and the side of her forefinger as if it was a lucky charm. She was staring out the window, so Sherlock doubted she even realized she was doing it. "Sherlock, do you really think we'll find them in time?" she asked without looking away from the window.

"Kimberly Watson," he relied in a serious voice, "I made a vow—the first and only one I will ever make—to be there for John, Mary, and you. I have no intention of ever breaking that vow."

Kimmy didn't reply as the cab came to a stop. Sherlock paid the cabbie and the two climbed out of the cab. "Check the gardens on the other side of the street," he instructed. "I'll look over here."

"Does that still count as us working together?" she asked.

"It should," Sherlock said. "Call me if you find anything." The petite blonde nodded and walked across the street, leaving Sherlock. He turned his back to her and started walking down the sidewalk, looking between buildings for anything resembling a garden.

Moriarty knows that Molly counts, he thought as he searched. He realized that she's the reason he failed to kill me all those years ago. For some reason he couldn't explain, the thought made Sherlock angry.

He shook his head, trying to clear it. Right now he had to focus on saving Mary and the Doctor—and, he supposed, Kimmy. It was strange to think that the girl helping him was one of the people they were trying to save. In fact, everything about this case was strange: time travel, aliens that wear bowties, enemies that wouldn't stay dead. If they discovered that the Loch Ness Monster was real, I'm not sure I'd be surprised at this point.

Before he could ponder the topic any further, his phone rang. He didn't recognize the number, but answered it anyway. "Yes?"

"It's me," Kimmy's voice replied. "I found the rosebush."


I realize that Sherlock's chapters are noticeably shorter than Kimmy's, but I don't really know how to write what's going on in a mind like his. I'll try to write longer Sherlock-chapters in the future, but they probably won't be much longer than this one.

The Doctor's Daughter | Wholock {1}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें