Chapter 6: I'm now 2 months old

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^(What she's wearing right now)^

It's been two months since I've been reincarnated in this world and I've been healing Amelia. I was surprised at first. There were a lot of black and brown clumps of gunk in her body. The system said that they were impurities in her body. It felt like it was weighing her down so I'm trying to get rid of all the bad stuff. Amelia feels way better because of this and seems more energetic. She noticed that she'd feel more better when she holds me ,so she's been holding me with every chance she gets. It's getting a little annoying but what can I do. As long I can help mom, I'm willing to do anything.........

Liam, ash and Keith are always complaining that she hogging my too much, how they wanna hold me to, etc........I not a pillow!! I'm a very Cute baby!! Paris complains too that I'm stealing his wife. Bah! Who says I'm stealing your wife!! It's your fault for bring too clingy.......although he does kiss me, cuddle with me, feed me and coo to me, that won't work!! You can't just bribe me with strawberry-flavor baby food!!!! I shall'nt fall for the oldest trick in the book!! The brothers are so like their father, they doing similar things too. It's hard to heal Amelia when their like this!! The servants seem to have mixed feeling about me though. And amelia......This is just my guess but.........Is one of the maids behind Amelia's death? It's fully possible, after all Paris doesn't have any concubines, mistresses or anymore wives. Although Paris is a good-for-nothing fool for a wife- he still was a Archduke, one of the only two Archduke in this empire and a power that can rival the imperial family. They could be maids who wish to become a concubine or even the Archduchess. In order for that to happen, Amelia must die. This is an unpleasant idea but this could happen, I need to be alert. There were also little black spots on the brothers. Every time they got close to Amelia the little spots would go on her and make the gunk appear on her again

I healed Amelia and dealt with the little spots though. However, they Keep.On.Coming!!!!! I started to got sick on them and finally I asked the system for a protection spell......1 protection spell and the damned thing gave me a whole book on light magic and spells!! I didn't want a whole book!!! And it gave me a massive headache!! Aaggggrrrrhhhhh!!!! Just thinking about it get's me more pissed!!!!I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!

1 protection spell and the damned thing gave me a whole book on light magic and spells!! I didn't want a whole book!!! And it gave me a massive headache!! Aaggggrrrrhhhhh!!!! Just thinking about it get's me more pissed!!!!I just want to scream!!!!...

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^(The face she making inside)^

If i didn't need to save them, then I won't have to got there this pain!!!They better be grateful for this!! After I got the book, I saw some long-term protection and blessing spells. I used them on them and it worked. Those little specks are gone!! And Amelia doesn't have the gunk in her anymore!!! I think I just avoided a huge death flag there!! But wait.......Then the heroine's mother, Abigail can't be the new archduchess!! Anyone know that Paris goo-gaa for Amelia!! There no way he'll bring in another woman as his concubine or second wife!! Unless he changes then he won't do it. That means another flag is knocked-down!! Yoo-hoo!! I feel so happy that I can walk in a flower field!!

 That means another flag is knocked-down!! Yoo-hoo!! I feel so happy that I can walk in a flower field!!

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                               ^(What she doing in her mind)^

Ahhhhhh.......Is this how peace feels, I haven't experienced this since I was living by myself..... Well, I've been working hard these past 2 months, so I guess I deserve it.....Amelia's cured, the brothers are fine and Paris is happy. Everything is going well, but still I can't lower my guard down. The culprit has yet to show themselves, so they must be here somewhere. I can sense multiply black, gross-feeling aura's in the mansion. There more than one person behind this. I need to be careful. It'll be hard to confront them with this small, cubby body of mine. All I can do is wait........................And right now

"Baby~~." A soft, sweet voice cooed to her. Shiny black hair flowed down from her shoulders to her waist. Some of the strands near Nivia. Nivia reached her little hand up and grabbed ahold of one of them. She chuckled lightly and kisses the little thing on her forehead. Her glittering red eyes sparkled like rubies. Amelia was sitting in a rocking chair with Nivia in her arms. She had just finished breast-feeding her. She's resting while Nivia was injecting light magic in her, just for safety measures.

After a while she puts Nivia back in her crab, hovering over it. Nivia babbles and smiles at the beautiful. She does something unexpected that surprise Amelia." hugggaaaaa......." Nivia is trying to turn over. It's was very difficult due to her small body  but she still tries." You can do it, via!!!" Amelia cheers on her daughter as she tries to flip. After a few failed attempts she succeed on turning over "*Pak*Ugahhhhh........*huff huff* ( ha....ha..ha...hahhhhaaaaaa.........Wow, that was a really workout.....gah..haa....I haven't felt this tried in a while.......haaaaaaa)

Amelia: Kkkkyyyaaaaaaa!!!! Great job, Nivia.(She picks her pick and shows her with kisses. She jumps up and down while screaming 'great job, baby' or 'My girl is a genius". Eventually a the others came to check what was happening. She told the rest of them what happened and their reacted similar to her.)

Everyone:" Our baby daughter/sister is a genius!!!

Eventually, the spread to all of the servant in the Palace and gossip about the youngest daughter of the Archduke and Archduchess, their princess. Some believed it, so though it was fake, some were shocked, but 'some' Wary. Not wary of the baby, but why there plans weren't working. And they had some suspicions on some people. Now there target is switch to Nivia. 

Meanwhile, she totally unaware of this fact and is celebrating. Not knowing what's coming......... For her and Amelia................

Reincarnated as the abused and unloved adopted daughter of the archdukeWhere stories live. Discover now