Chapter 14

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Jake's POV

I was driving peacefully when I hear a little voice come from the back seat. "Daddy I want chicken nuggets for dinner."

"I don't know...." I said just to see her sweet little puppy dog eyes.

"Pleeeeease!!!" She said sticking her bottom lip out and looking at me from her car seat.

"Well let's call your mother and see what she says."

Once we reached the stop light I grabbed my phone from my pocket and put it on speaker. It rang a couple times before a a voice came over the phone but not my wife's phone.

"Hello this is Ms. Y/N Bakers phone how may I help you." said my 6 year old son Keagan

"I want to talk to daddy." I heard his twin sister Teagan say.

"Keagan give me my phone." I heard my wife say over the phone.

"Hello handsome how was your day?"she asked me.

"It was great beautiful but Bella was wondering if we could get chicken nuggets for dinner."

"There is a Wendy's by Mays dance studio."she suggested

"ok we'll go there after we pick up Jackson from football practice."

"Yayyyy!!!!" I heard the twins yell from the other side of the phone.

"Also I have something important to tell you when you get home." She said

"Ok see you then Love you." I told her

"Love you more bye." She said making a kissy noise and hanging up the phone.

"God I love your mother" I said to Bella "if you date anyone boy or girl make sure they are as great as she is."


I hung up the phone and went back to folding laundry. Thank goodness I don't have to make dinner tonight I have to much on my mind right now to be doing that stuff.

Im pregnant again and I am thinking of a way to tell Jake. Now that they are picking up Wendy's I have a little more time to think but still not enough.

I just decided it would be best to just tell him

"Now we wait." I said to myself 

After 45 minutes Jake and the rest of the kids got home.

"We got chicken nuggets! we got chicken nuggets!" Bella sang running up to me.

"Great I'm starving Jackson and May go change and put your close in the Laundry room. Twins your in charge of forks and plates , Bella you get napkins, and Dad give your wife a kiss."

I said walking up to him and putting my arms around his neck giving him an innocent kiss

But as soon as he checked to see all the kids where out of view his pulled me closer by the waste and gave me a deep kiss

"Ewwww.... Mom and dad are kissing again."Keagan said making a weird face.

"I think it's romantic." Teagan commented

"Moment officially over." I said grabbing the dinner off the front hall table and going to the kitchen

"Wait what did you want to tell me" Jake asked once he sat at the table

"Don't worry I'll tell you later." I said with a wink and passing out chicken nuggets to everyone and throwing Jake his chicken sandwich.

After dinner everyone takes a bath and the kids put on there pj's we all piled into the living room to watch a movie.

"What is the movie of the night?" I asked sitting on the couch

"The incredibles." May yells jumping onto the couch.

"I want to watch toy story." Bella complains

"ok how about this we watch incredibles tonight and then tomorrow we can watch toy story."

"Fine." Bella said climbing onto the couch and sitting on my lap.

We start the movie and about 30 minutes in everyone is knocked out asleep. I take Bella off my lap and take her and Mays bedroom.

I then pick Teagan up off the chair and take her to her room that is connected to Keagan room through there bathroom.

Jake had taken Jackson and Keagan to there rooms and put them to bed thankfully no one woke up in this process.

I got into Jake and I's room and get ready to take a shower while he cleans up the living room from movie night.

Once I am done with my shower I rap a towel around my body and wipe any makeup off that I didn't get in the shower.

Jake comes in the bathroom slaps my butt and turns on the shower water.

"Hello to you too." I say turning around to face him.

"I am so tired but you look so good." he said kissing my lips softly

"Im tired to babe." I said kissing him one more time before walking out of the bathroom.

Some time had past and I had changed into some pj pants and a big t-shirt.

I was grading some papers in bed for the 4th grade class I teach when Jake come and lays down practically on top of me

I set the papers aside and run my fingers through his hair felling him relax a little I decided to tell him the news.

"Hey Honey."I said urning a muffled mmmmh from him "I still haven't told you about the surprise yet."

"Oh yeah and what is it."he asked in a sleep voice and moving his head to rest on my chest

"I'm pregnant." I whisper to him

At first he didn't react at all which confused me "Jake"I asked ribbing his back "did you hear me?"

"Yeah you said your preg—

"Your PREGNANT." he said almost yelling pushing himself up off of me in a push up position to look me straight in the eyes.

"Are you messing with me because if you are I might cry." He said

"I'm not kidding I took four test just to be sure." I said opening my night stand and pulling out the positive tests.

The next thing I knew Jake was back to laying on top of me but now he was hugging me tight and kissing me all over my face.

"I love you so much Y/n." he told me

"I love you too."

Word count 1045

Hope you enjoyed 🤍

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