Chapter 36

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Two raven hairs, bright cerulean and blood red eyes, fragile and toned bodies, insecure and confident.

Both entirely different individuals stared at each other, the other had fear and confusion while the other had blank eyes.

Rosh Edward Del Razon narrowed his eyes at the young girl, almost at his age but definitely doesn't look like it. His iris glimmered in curiousity as he observed her.

Amros' words flashed in his mind.

''This rotten kingdom of yours have a lot of dark secrets, Master. The previous king bred a lot of children to fight for the throne, not many people know of this.'' Amros used his magic to create a human image made of fire.

It was a woman, wearing old traditional long dress and a tiara on her head. She was beautiful.

''One of those children is this princess, Cynthia Ainchleim. The fourth princess amongst five.''

''Fourth? There's no such thing, Amros. There are only three known princesses and four princes, seven royal children in total.'' Rosh said before looking in Amros' eyes.

''Or so I thought.''

''That's right, Master. The truth behind is that there are five princesses and four princes. Nine young royals overall.''

He waved his hand once more, and the human figures of the 'supposedly' nine royal children formed.

''Having more princesses than princes is considered lowly for a royal, as it means you aren't capable enough to even produce more male royals to bear and continue the royal name, it is a disgrace. Personally, even I found this stupid.'' 

''So this is the reason why the royal family only confirms the queen's pregnancy if they are assured that the male royals are more in number.'' Rosh pondered.

''Correct, Master.''

''Biased aren't they? Even I have a bit of respect for sexuality.'' The boy commented. He cleared his throat before continuing. ''Continue.''

''Fighting for the crown is a fight for survival, the fight for the key to the blue-blood family entrance. If you fail, then bye-bye royal life.'' Amros said in a playful tone. ''When the current king, the second prince, was chosen to succeed the throne, there were three options given to the other children.''

One of the princes human figures disappeared, as it represents the current king who survived as a royal. There were only eight left children casted for the given choices.

The violet eyed man then lifted three left fingers.

''First, is to be banished to another kingdom as a commoner.'' The second, third, fifth princess' and the third prince's figures disappeared.

''Second, is to marry into a high ranked noble family and live as a noble.''

''Choosing the second option will give them higher possibilities of having their descendants be given the right to be in line to the throne. The higher the rank, the nearer your stand is to the throne.'' Amros made the fourth prince and the first princess' flames disappear.

''However, some of them do not want their freedom to choose their spouse or partner be controlled. So not everyone chose this.''

''And the third?''

''Two words.'' Amros snapped his fingers, and the remaining flaming images vanished into smoke. ''Be killed.''

Banished from the kingdom, the second, third and fifth princess along with the third prince disappeared, never to be heard of again.

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