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8: conditions

I had just finished telling the lost boys a story, and as promised, it was about Peter. You honestly don't know how embarrassing and awkward it is to tell a made up story about a person while the person is in the same room. I don't know any real adventures!

But even when I told a fake but cliche adventure that I completely fabricated, Peter was grinning ear to ear and standing proudly while he also listened to it. Either what I said had coincidentally happened or Peter thinks it's a memory he's forgotten but no doubt believes is true. I don't if I can tell another story about Peter without it being awkward. He's just gonna have to deal with it if I talk more about Naruto, or some other anime or cartoon protagonist. Maybe even a game protagonist.

We said our good nights and I left the lost boys alone.

Peter followed me to my makeshift bed since his room is in the same direction.

"You're great at story telling Zayn, you knew so many details that even I couldn't remember them! You should talk about me more, can you tell me another before I sleep?"

Peter asked with giddiness.

It's kinda adorbs but at the same time it proves that he thinks he's cool enough that what ever story I made up actually did happen and he just doesn't remember it. I yawn and shake my head.

"One story is enough, too tired"

I refuse, we make it to Peter's 'door' which is just a curtain, my make shift bed is past it and in a corner which is very peaceful and cozy at night. Peter groans as I walk past his room.

"Just one more story, pleaseee?"

I wave my hand at him.

"Nada my boy, sleep is callin' me, nighty night Mr. Cool"

I continue walking to my corner room.

"Heh, night.. Mr. Pretty"

I almost paused at what I heard.

'Well, that's a first'

I shrug it off as I heard his curtain open and close. I finally make it to my bed and get under the covers.

I stare at the ceiling.

"Huh.. this is my life now"

I give the lost boys and Peter a bowl of berries for breakfast with some water.

"Thank you!"

I smile at them and eat the berries from my own bowl.

Not like the food back home or in London but it's better than nothing.
I'm hoping I don't have to do this everytime, Peter should get us food too, not just me.

Peter sits next to me scarfing down all the berries, making a couple fall on the floor. I roll my eyes and pick one up, making sure it wasn't dirty before speaking.

"Think you can get us dinner when the time comes?"

I ask him, he turns to me, his face looking like a hamster with stuffed cheeks and quickly swallows.


I silence him by putting a berry in his mouth, giving him a look.

"And not one where we use our 'imagination' go get some fish or somethin' from the forest we can cook and eat. You can do that, right?"

I tell him and pick a berry from my own bowl and pop it in my mouth. Peter nods vigorously, chewing on the berry I put in his mouth.

"Of course I can do that! It will be super easy for me to get something for dinner later"

He said confidently. I smile at him, that means I don't have to get dinner every single day! Yes!

"Really? That's awesome! Watcha doin' after breakfast?"

I ask him.

He smiles and sets his bowl down next to him.

"I promised the mermaids at mermaid lagoon I'd visit, they are probably dying to hear more of my adventures, I'll even tell them the one you spoke of last night!"

He says getting up and stretches. I nod my head at them, though the mermaids were way too jealous they seemed like nice company if they didn't see you as a threat.

"Want to come with me?"

I then shake my head.

"Last time I went they looked like they wanted to drown me because of their jealousy, nah I'm Gucci on that sir, you have fun though"

I wave my hand at him and pick up his bowl putting it on mine and get up to collect the other empty bowls.

'Is this dude mad? I'm pretty sure those mermaids hold grudges'

"What's Gucci?"

I hear him ask as he trails behind me while I get the lost boys bowls. Ah right, this boy from the 1900s.

"It means I'm good, that I'm fine not goin'"

I answer going to the well to wash the bowls.

"Ohh, aww but I wanted you to go, I like being around you, you talk weird"

I raise my eyebrow at him, almost felt complimented but the last part through me off a bit. Is it that weird?

He noticed my expression and waved his hands.

"Not in a bad way. A good way of course! I've never heard people speak that way before.. it's funny, and refreshing in a way?"

Aw that was so nice.

"Thank you, Peter, that's sweet of you to say. I'll go with you, but! Only if you do a couple favors"

I say, putting my finger up when I said 'but!'

He looks at me confused and tilts his head.


I nod.

"One, I have to be close by you at all times. Two-"

I lift another finger up.

"Don't let the mermaids try to harm or drown me. It doesn't matter if their 'just' jealous or are excusin' it as bein' playful. It's rude"

'I dont want to die so soon'

I say to him. clasping my hands together.

"The mermaids scared me a little last time, won't you be my knight in shining armor and protect me from them if they scare me again, my brave and amazing hero?"

I playfully say in the dullest tone I could muster to make it clear I'm joking around.

Apparently Peter is too oblivious to realize Zayn's playful joking words since instead of noticing the sarcasm and either getting mad or laughing along with the joke, he sees 'honesty'. The praising gets to his head.

....and to his heart.


Why does my chest feel weird when he praises and admires me? Wasn't like this before when others did it..

Peter's lips curled up and nodded.

"If that's what is going to get you to come, then sure I can do something as simple as that!"

He agreed. He better keep his promise...

I let Peter carry me out the tree house and towards mermaid lagoon. I feel like Peter is a bit more caring now, maybe because I'm a friend closer to his age or the fact I misjudged him. Whenever he carries me, he flies so slowly. I think so I don't feel like I'm going to fall. Kind gesture.

Though I should ask him if he can give me a small bag of pixie dust I can tie around my belt area for the future so I don't have to be carried like this anymore.

I'm sure the fairies can give him some. Plus I haven't been harrased by Tinker Bell, she's probably helping the other fairies at the moment so that's good.

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