My own sleeping beauty

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It's 12 in the morning and you both are still at it moaning each other's name here and there you were on top of him doing the most to please him while you both were sober but he looked bored sure he was groaning here and then but he wasn't giving you the facial expressions you liked "your the most plainest bastard I've ever done this with" you manage to say  as he just looks at you he furrowed his eyebrows "yea? it's because what your doing isn't working for me" he then proceeds to push you down on his cock further you then moan out "I.. thought it wouldn't go further.." you managed to get out tears were in your eyes it hurt but felt so good god your ex couldn't even compare "just gotta make it fit darling" he said as he groans while he moves your hips for you "work it more like that" he said putting his hands on the bed frame  leaving you to do it yourself   But you wanted him to be on top of you this time "how about I put my legs on your shoulders I'm getting tired of doing this myself" you say as you lean a bit forward "fine if you'd like" he said *after switching positions*  you then held his hand "if I go to rough squeeze my hand as hard as you'd  like" he said as he looks at you in reassurance to make sure your ok but you just smiled a bit and shook your head *ngh* *ahh* *mmm* *hmph* *haa.. haa..* you squeeze his hand a bit and he slows down he was so understanding when it came to having se* you thought.. he then moves down your body Leaving you in marks when he was finished you did the same to him covering his body it bite marks and hickeys  even scratches here and then he'd groan out in pain but reassure you that he was fine  and it's just a way that your coping with the pleasuring pain when he was on top of you both you and him looked at each other in the eyes  both sweaty but both of you were full of lust wanting to devour each other you both kept eye contact for a while before his lips touched yours and you both weren't able to get enough of each other when you both were done you had tears in your eyes not because you were sad or because you were in pain but because you've never felt so so passionate for someone he thought it was his fault "I...I'm sorry I went to far are you ok I don't know what I was thin—" he was cut off by you kissing him "it's not your fault you big dork" you said giving a soft smile he just looks at you  admiring you "god your so beautiful..." he said as he grabbed your hand and started kissing your hand all the way up to your shoulder he did that with every part of your body saying something nice each time he planted a kiss on you until he then planted a kiss on your forehead "alright darling go take a shower I'll be on the balcony if you need me" he said as he then pulls out a cigarette "I thought you didn't smoke..." you said as you wobbled to the   Bathroom "for what happened yesterday I might as well" he said jokingly as he pulled out a lighter
"No but really I lied to you I just didn't want you to think I was someone bad or something" he said as he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist damn he looked sexy you thought as you just watched him walk outside  you then got inside the shower thinking about how foolish you had to look when you cried during sex you just wanted to die the second he saw it but at least he cared... he was nothing like your ex... you then got an idea that once you were done you'd  wear one of his shirts with nothing underneath surely at 2:06 in the morning he'd be tired so why not just do it you thought to yourself and just smirked *minutes later* you get out the shower standing and looking in the mirror thinking that he's got you really good with the markings basically telling people to "back the fuck off" you chuckled at that thought  you then put on your towel and slid the door open only to be met by him again checking out the markings that you had put on him "your pretty impressive" he said as he looks at you and chuckles you just look at him something about him having a towel hang dangerously low on his hips was hot to you even the v-line showing was a sight to see you stood there for a few more minutes biting your lips as you look at the towel knowing what lies behind it "your so obvious" he says as he walks towards you and pokes you on the forehead making you come back to life "whatever" you say as you then blush in annoyance *few more minutes later* "alright I'm ready for bed" he says
As he walks out the bathroom seeing you on the bed already sound asleep "so adorable.." he said under his breath as he walks over to his side of the bed and strokes your forehead   "My one and only sleeping beauty..." he says under his breath so he doesn't wake you but you weren't really asleep you just wanted to surprise him and give him a little scare but you changed your mind after what he did  he then planted his lips on your forehead and laid down "god how did things get to this point" he says in a low voice  he's treating you so well.. you didn't want it to end... you were basically just living with him and you two were both basically together... in the afternoon is when you put your foot down and ask seriously this time what you both were  after closing your eyes until you fall asleep you wake up to a bright light shining on your face "fuck you lace curtains" you say groaning and putting your pillow on your head you then extend your arm trying to stretch but your arm hits something hard you were startled so you jumped up only realizing that it was him "your never in bed at 9am why are you still laying down" you ask leaning over him only seeing that he's still asleep you then gave a soft smile and kissed his cheek you then got up and got dressed and headed down to the kitchen to make breakfast *few minutes later* "sorry I slept in I took a long shower last night" he says rubbing his eye walking down the stairs "whatcha doing hm?" He said as he walked towards you
Hugging you from behind he just mumbled "Oo pancakes ahh~" he said as he opened his mouth insisting that you should feed him you then chuckled and then put a piece in his mouth "thanks babe" he said finishing it up and kissing you on the cheek "I'll cook the eggs and bacon so please have a seat" he said as you then sit on the kitchen counter ready to ask the question " hey so what are we?" You say confidently he then stops what he was doing to look at you "sex buddies of course" he says winking but it left you in shock you had wished you didn't hear the from him "nah I'm kidding darling we might as well be together right? Anyways you should use my car to drive to your place and get everything you want or need that or we can go shopping later on because I have my job interview coming up" he said as he starts cracking the eggs in the pan you hated the fact he'd joke about being sex buddies but he did make it better by saying that you might as well be together because he was right you two should be together "We should go shopping my ex and his girlfriend lives In my apartment now and if I see them both I might just rip there throats out.." you say swaying your legs back and forth as he just chuckled "right— so food is done eat up I need to get dressed feel free to drive my car I'll just take my motorcycle" he said as he then gave you a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs to change you loved the feeling of being loved by someone so much *minutes later*
He walks down stairs wearing a pretty basic outfit just a white shirt black jeans and a chain with black shoes "you never really told me what your working as" you say as you spin the chair to look at him  "I'm working at a diner and I'm working for a better bar that's not in a club I'm not letting my drink skills go to waist he said as he winks and goes to a board where he puts all of his keys and he picks the one that says "my baby" which made you chuckle "my baby?" You said laughing "oh whatever my motorcycle is my baby don't judge me also if you go to the mall  without me here's $600 get yourself something nice" he says as he plants a kiss on your check then your lips "be good for me and watch the house I'll be gone for let's say 6hours?" He says patting you on the head smiling he then walks to the door and leaves leaving you alone with all these drinks you smirked and got up "now I'm no alcoholic but what's a girl to do when left alone with so many drinks?" You ask your self and just before your we're about to reach for a bottle of wine you've been stopped by a knock at the door you then groaned and walked to the door opening it and seeing...

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