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Today is the day of the short program event, and Yuzuru is quite nervous, if he does say so himself.

His pulls his costume for his short program out of his closet, running his fingers through the fabric. Yuzuru had always remembered how you said this was your favourite of his Chopin costumes, saying that the light blue and gold accents looked good together.

His heart warms at the thought.

He hurries to the bathroom to change, fixing his bangs to get it out of his eyes (even if he knows that you'll be fixing his with hairspray like you usually do.)

He exits the bathroom to see you, dressed in a plain white shirt and blue jeans, with the necklace that he gave you a couple years ago for your birthday adorning your neck. You grin at him, admiring the costume like you always do - all of Yuzuru's costumes are so beautiful, you can't help but stare for quite some time.

"Do I look that good?" he jokes, and you laugh. "Yeah, you do." you respond. Yuzuru, not expecting such a response from you, nearly chokes on air, his cheeks heating up.

"Hairspray," you say, and you start fixing his hair. Yuzuru holds his breath when you spray the hairspray, disliking the smell. "You nervous?" you ask him, and he shrugs.

"A little bit, yeah." he chuckles, and you smile. "You'll be fine," you respond, running your fingers through strands of his hair. "Oh, and all done."

Yuzuru turns to look into the mirror, and he beams. "Thank you, (Name)." he says, and you smile. "I bet you'll get everyone swooning when you show up."

"Even you?" he teases.

"Of course."

A giddy smile makes its way to Yuzuru's lips, and you smile as well. Yuzuru's smile has always been contagious - it's like instinct, whenever Yuzuru smiles, you have the urge to as well.

When you arrive at the venue, Yuzuru tells you that he's going to talk to Brian for a bit. You nod, settling your stuff down - you're lucky that Yuzuru managed to be able to allow you to stand where Brian is during his skate.

Yuzuru thinks he's lucky too, because then the first thing he can do after he finishes his skate is hug you.

You're not allowed to be in the Kiss and Cry with him though, but you don't quite mind. You sit on the seat in the little room where skaters wait to go on the ice, hugging a Winnie the Pooh close to your chest.

"(Name)!" You're greeted by the voice of Javier Fernandez, who you smile and wave at politely. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"I've been... around." you respond with a laugh. "I'm just with Yuzu majority of the time - you know this," you say, and Javier nods.

"Speaking of Yuzu, where is he?" Javier asks, and you point to where Yuzuru's speaking with Brian. "Over there," you say, and Javier thanks you. "Nice seeing you!" he says, before heading over to where Yuzuru is.

Before you know it, Yuzuru's about to skate. He shakes his arms to get rid of the nerves, jogging on the spot to warm up slightly. "You got this," you say, locking your pinky finger with his. Yuzuru's cheeks flush pink, and he nods.

"I'll be waiting for you, hmm?" you say, and you hold up the Winnie the Pooh plushie. "With Pooh-san." you grin, and Yuzuru chuckles.

"Okay." he says, and he lets go of your pinky before skating out onto the ice. You stand next to Brian, who smiles at you. "I think he's going to do great." Brian says, and you nod.

"I think so too."

Like always, Yuzuru moves elegantly on the ice. His jumps are clean, his transitions are beautiful - he does everything so incredibly well. The smile on your lips only grows wider as his performance goes on.

Yuzuru's mind is blank right now. The only thing he's thinking of is the next step of his program. He sees you, next to Brian, and his eyes light up in the slightest way - not many people can see it unless they're close.

He finishes his program splendidly, and he bows to the crowd as Winnie the Pooh plushies start being thrown into the ice. He grins as he hears the crowd cheer, and he bows once again.

He skates off the rink, and you immediately wrap him into a hug. Your grip is tight around his waist, your head buried into the crook of his neck (you don't really care if he's sweaty), and he takes a few seconds to process what's happening, but he hugs you back just as tight as you're hugging him.

When you two part, you can see the glee in Yuzuru's eyes. You're delighted to see him this happy, and you hand him the Winnie the Pooh plushie in your hands, to which he gratefully accepts.

Yuzuru then hugs Brian, who tells him that he did a good job. You pat Yuzuru on the back, and you link your arms with his after he finishes putting on his skate guards.

"You did really well, Yuzu."

"Thank you, (Name)!" he beams at you, ruffling your hair. You chuckle at his antics, unlinking your arms so he can go to the Kiss and Cry.

"Let's celebrate with ice cream!" you mouth to him before he leaves, and he nods, a love-struck grin on his lips.

It's funny, how Yuzuru hasn't even gotten his scores for the short program yet, but he already feels like a winner with you by his side.

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 - yuzuru hanyu.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora