Chapter Twenty-One

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"Wow," a man commented. He was in a suit and loosening the knot on his tie as he entered the room. "I didn't know you'd arranged this kind of entertainment, Gray'."

I froze like a deer in headlights.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

There were five men, including Grayson, and they were all dressed like they'd come straight from the office. I recognized Mark immediately and, honestly; it was worse to have him see me in the bikini than it was the others. The three strangers would just laugh off this incident and move on. Mark had asked me out on a date and given me his number. He wasn't likely to forget that he'd seen me in such a state of undress.

I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times, wondering if I should address the group or Grayson directly. Not so cruel as to leave me petrified and half-naked in the middle of the living room in front of his colleagues, Grayson moved to the couch and gathered up the blanket. He held it out to me, wary of getting too close, and I wrapped it around my body awkwardly. As long as I was covered, I didn't care about being neat.

I couldn't tell Grayson that I thought he'd be coming home alone, otherwise, they'd all know that I'd worn the bikini for his benefit. Instead, I said, "I forgot to take a towel out with me."

God, I hoped none of them went into the yard otherwise they'd find my discarded towel and know it was a lie.

"I told you I had company coming tonight," he said.

"You didn't," I hissed at him. Heat rose in my cheeks. Jesus, I just wanted the ground to open and swallow me whole. "All you said was that you were coming home tonight."

Grayson pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked his messages. His eyes widened. "Shit. The second message didn't send."

My gaze slid to the four men who were still waiting on an explanation. "Why are they here?"

"Game night," Grayson said. "It's my turn to host. We just drink beers, and maybe play poker. Sorry, it would've saved a lot of trouble if I just called."

"So..." another man I didn't know interjected. "She's not a stripper?"

My fingers clenched around the blanket. What an ass! I didn't have an issue with women doing whatever they wanted for a career, but to call me a stripper in my own home was going way too far!

"Shut the fuck up, Craig," Grayson shot back at him. "She's my friend's kid. This is his house. I'm just looking out for her this summer."

"Ohhh, babysitting." Craig grinned. "Is it past your bedtime, sweetheart? Want one of us to read you a story."

"Careful," Mark warned the man. "Grayson can have you fired if you upset his friends."

Craig took the warning to heart and looked sheepish. Good. I knew what he'd implied by saying that he wanted to read me a bedtime story and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of rising to the bait. I hadn't been thrilled at the idea of seeing them all there but thank God for Mark. At least he knew our relationship with regard to his connection to my father and could back up any lies Grayson made about us not sleeping together.

"Have you had dinner?" Grayson asked.

I knew it was the question someone might pose if they were concerned about a kid in their care, but I couldn't help but hear something more. It was probably just my wishful thinking that he'd consider me more than a casual sexual partner. I mean, we both agreed we'd only be together until the end of summer and that we'd be exclusive. That was the extent of our relationship. It was more than I'd ever dreamed I had with Grayson. I needed to remind myself not to get greedy.

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