chapter 11: current life

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As I walk into the cafeteria, people start asking why I have a sharp piece of metal embedded in my leg. Every. Single. Time. Eventually it will get old, but seeing people run in fear after I tell them I was bitten is still hilarious. "Sound the alarms, ash was bitten!" never fails and makes everyone keep their distance from me unless they need something. Perhaps in the extra time from not dealing with people trying to get free tools from me I can make a better and more fitting prosthetic. A firey hatred for the zombie virus burned within all who had survived. I imagine while I'm there I can make a set of dog armor for Cobalt, as I imagine the bittenophobes will threaten or attempt to kill Cobalt. Speaking of Cobalt, the doggo was likely a little hungry for a venison steak, seared to medium rare, spiced with what was is now a luxury item: barbecue sauce, garlic powder and a little bit of lawreyes. It was high time Cobalt got his fair share of that which he killed.

heartfire: Ash's story less dark versionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora