Chapter 34: Protecting His Children

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Su Bei wasn't surprised to see another email from Lin Group. After all, she had hacked into their website and left an emoji package on the homepage. What unexpected was the email this time actually an employment offer, complete with the explanation about position and salary. Compared with the olive branches from other companies, this email was simply too straightforward: frank and generous.

Su Bei's eyes glanced over the string of '0' in the offered salary. For a moment, she seemed to hear her heart being enticed. It was not that she didn't want to accept, but unfortunately, her situation didn't allow it.

Su Bei pondered for a moment, and wrote a reply to the Lin Group, rejecting the offer. Not long after it was sent, she received another email: [Lin Group is now in the middle of preparation for a new network security project. At this stage, a leader who can provide technical guidance is very much needed. We sincerely invite you to join our team...]

It was completely different from the official template phrases in other emails. Su Bei could slowly perceive the sincerity and honesty from the words displayed on the screen. A document was also attached to the email. Su Bei downloaded the file, clicked on it, and found that it was a project plan.

She was surprised: Not only because the other party sent such an important document directly to someone they never met, but also by the content of the document.

——The world that Su Bei transmigrated before has been developed seven or eight years further than her current world. Lin Group's 'new network security project' was still in its infancy now, but has become a big focus in that world and was widely used in many aspects of life. Lin Group, she predicted, would be the first one who bites this juicy meat.

Putting her surprise away, Su Bei carefully started to read the documents sent by Lin Group. Some parts were still imperfect and immature. For now, Su Bei still couldn't completely solve all of them. However, she pointed out several significant problems in the project. Writing down the solution based on the knowledge she learned in another world, then added her own understanding and suggestions.

Su Bei re-read the content she just wrote, then sent it to the Lin Group. After that, she shut down the computer. It was impossible for her to be employed, but it wouldn't be a problem to provide some tips. If this security technology really took off in the future, she would be an unknown hero. Su Bei happily thought that before going to bed. However, she had no idea how much tremor did her email caused at the Lin Group's Security Technology Department.

The young Chairman Lin's assistant and several key members of the technology department were suddenly called to a company meeting at night. The meeting's content was to upgrade the technology and improve the plan according to the suggestions mentioned in Q's email.

The next day, when Su Bei and Su Xiaobao arrived at the school, they immediately noticed something wrong.

Why were so many people staring at them?

If this was because of the 'attraction effect' brought by Su Bei's performance yesterday, it seemed to be too much. And not only to Su Bei, more girls than usual also seemed to whisper about the 'handsome young master Su.'

Even until they reached their classroom, this strange atmosphere still has not been dispersed and even infected Su Bei's deskmate.

"What happened?" During the first self-study period, Su Bei asked Dong Wenqi.

"You do not even know what is happening now?" Dong Wenqi was surprised. "Don't you know that you and Su Xiaobao's background is now the hottest topic all over the school campus and forum?"

Things had started with a candid photo: A man in a suit and leather shoes was standing in front of a car with '77777' plate number. There was also Su Bei, pulling Su Xiaobao and waving her hand as if to say goodbye to the man.

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