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Lucas' POV


I pressed my head against the wet wall of the shower cubicle. I was slowly losing my mind over Jackie. Something wasn't right about how I was feeling. Almost a year ago when I met her, she was so cute in that long black dress that clung to her body in the locker room.

The moment I laid my eyes on her, she had been the cutest girl I have ever seen. At first, I had thought she was someone's girl for a hookup in the locker room but when she clarified that she wasn't, something in me made me want her that instant. That want made me go after her in high school to the point that I bought her a phone because I wanted to get her attention until she ended up in my bed but the more time I spent with her and the more time my lips touched hers, something ignited inside of me.

Something that made me feel she was not like other girls. Her innocence intrigued me, her curiosity made me want to make her know things, the little things she did like biting her lip didn't come out as sexual but innocent and that made my mind blown.

Jackie was a fucking witch that haunted my thoughts. I had not forgotten her after I watched her walk away that night and seeing her again made me feel relief like I had been carrying a burden in my heart.

"Fuck," I whispered as the cold water ran down my back. I blinked the water out of my eyes and placed my hand on the wet wall. "What is she doing to me?"

When I had walked into the house earlier on and saw how Jackie was laying comfortably in Jared's arms, I got angry. I hated how his arms fit around her waist, I hated how comfortable she was. It made me feel jealous. I had even felt a possessive feeling at the sight of her in another man's arms.

"She's not yours, god damnit!" I said and fisted my hand. "She's not mine so why am I feeling so angry at the thought of her with another man?"

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, allowing the jets of water to wash down my face and chest. As if it washed out the heaviness I was holding in my mind.

I turned off the water and grabbed my towel off the glass door and wrapped it around my waist. I stepped out and took another towel and wiped my chest and head. I walked over to the bathroom counter and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I took in my wet locks draping over my forehead and eyes. My jawline had some stubble growing around it, which I was too lazy to shave off. My mind slowly drifted to Jackie once again wondering what she would think if I grew some beards. I groaned, forcing her out of my mind. There was it again. Everything about my life suddenly had Jackie in it.

I tossed my towel on the counter and left the bathroom. I silently closed the door when I saw that Jackie was laying on the bed, fast asleep. I regulated my breathing as I took in her body language. The blanket covered just her lower back and one leg while the other was curved outside the blanket. Because the blanket was thin, I could see the outline of her curved waist and ass which made me feel my dick hardening.

I felt like a creep for sexualizing her sleeping posture but she was Jackie. Anything she did, whether innocent or not was sexy. Before I knew it, I was walking to the bed and staring down at her upper body. Her long hair was spread out behind her on the pillow with a few locks resting across her cheek and lips.

I leaned over her to look closely at her face. I could see freckles painted around her nose and some parts of her cheeks. It made her look so cute and youthful. Her long lashes were brushing her high cheekbones and her small but pointed nose scrunched every few seconds under the lock of hair.

My eyes darted to her pouty pink lips and my mouth watered at the thought of feeling her lips one more time. I missed kissing her like I'd missed it over the months after knowing what her soft lips felt like on mine.   I blinked slowly, afraid such would wake her up if I blinked too hard or fast because she was so peaceful and beautiful in her sleep.

I raised my hand and hesitantly curled her soft dark hair around my index finger. It felt so soft and silky around my finger. I felt tempted to bring it to my nose as I had missed her scent. I carefully moved the hair away from her face and joined it with the others spread out behind her. I took a small breath and returned my gaze to her face.

"What's so special about you that I can't get you out of my head?" I whispered and swallowed when her perfect eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you making me feel this way about you?"

I stared at the beauty laying on my bed for one minute before I rose and walked into the walk-in closet. I turned on the light and smiled when I saw her clothes on the other side of the closet. It was smaller compared to mine but it just fit with mine. Everywhere around the house gave signs of her and my house that lacked life somehow had energy— positive energy.

Which was something that I wanted all for myself and didn't want her sharing with someone else. It was unreasonable but reasonable at the same time. Something about our type of relationship was something I didn't want her sharing with someone else.

A/N: Our bad boy is catching feelings or what?

Chapter game: Who do you imagine as Lucas and Jackie if you have a face claim in your head?

I stopped using face claims in my books long time ago because it became weird especially for me when I'm reading a new book. I prefer to have an image of the characters I read in my head. So, if I see a book has face claim chapter, I skip as fast as possible before the pictures load. Lol.

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