Chapter 20

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"Yeah~ Liam is now my boyfriend...~"

"...Isn't that right Liam?"

My eyes became wide open as I got abruptly out of the bed. I checked the time on my new phone and saw that it was only 3 a.m. I fell back to my pillow and stared at the ceiling letting out a tired sigh. We are supposed to be dating now but I can't quite understand what dating means... How am I supposed to act around Noah? What am I supposed to do? I feel so out of place... My thoughts kept running through my head as I turned left and right on my bed unable to sleep.

I'm really glad that I finally figured out my feelings and gave him my answer but... What now? I said that I liked him back so that truly means dating, right? I... I just really don't know what to do. I let out yet another sigh as I was slowly starting to feel anxious.


"Hey" "H-hey..." I greeted Noah who had just sat close beside me on the bench. My stutter signaling the anxiety and pressure I felt at the moment. "You look anxious. Do I make you feel uncomfortable with anything? If so, please tell me so I can stop it." I shook my head and let out a sigh. "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just anxious because... Because this is my first relationship and I don't really know what to do."

Then, he placed his hand over my head and showed me a warm smile. "You don't need to do anything different or worry about the future. Just be yourself. And the truth is, I'm just as anxious as you are. You see, this is my second relationship and I'm not that confident in dating either. But I want to try my best for you Liam. We don't have to do anything different than before. We'll just keep on hanging out with each other taking small steps at the time."

After what he said, I felt relaxed. Relaxed to the idea of Noah not having too much expectations from me. To be honest, I still didn't really knew what to say or do but I was determined to also try my best for him as well. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked him and he just laughed. "Of course you can! Ask anything!"

"So... I'm your second relationship, aren't I? Was the other person also... you know..." "What's this? Do I sense some kind of jealously here~?" He teased with a sly smirk and I just looked elsewhere. "It's not like that. I'm just curious is all." "I see, well it wouldn't be bad either if you said that it was jealousness but sure, I'll answer to your question." He laughed resting his back on the bench as I was paying close attention to his words.

"I had a relationship before with a girl in high school, but it didn't last for long. We didn't really had anything in common and nothing to make me like her. All the dating thing was mostly for show. My father always said : make many acquaintances and relationships, the name of the family must be known. So I did just that. Same with here in this university. That's why I'm so popular."

Noah explained all this with an angry look, especially when he talked about his father. I wonder what happened between them... "But don't worry about her, you were actually my first kiss~" He suddenly added to his speech warping an arm around my shoulder and my face heated up. "I-I didn't needed to know that!" I said pushing him away as he kept laughing.

"Oh? Liam!" I heard a familiar voice and I turned my head to see Emily running towards us. "It's been a long time since I last saw you! How've been?!" Energetic as ever I see. I smiled warmly at the girl in front of me and turned to fully face her. "Yeah, it's been a while." "You guys know each other?" Questioned Noah with a very familiar smile. His fake one. What's wrong with him?

"Yeah, her name is Emily James. She's the one who called the doctor when I collapsed." "Nice to finally meet you in person Noah! I hope we can get along!" She extended her hand for Noah to take which he did with another fake smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Emily. If I may ask, are you close with Liam?" He asked with narrowed eyes waiting for an answer and I stared at him with a deadpanned look. Don't tell me he's jealous...

"Yeah! We are very good friends!" She finally said with a grin and I sweat dropped. We only talked once tho? "Oh I see~ If you are his friend, then consider me one as well." He finally suggested and Emily's eyes widened in shock and I could swear, I saw glitter shining inside them. "I can't believe it! The Noah Jefferson wants to be my friend! I'm so lucky! Let's go and hang out together tonight!" After hearing her answer, Noah relaxed and showed her a genuine smile. Then, he turned and looked at me with his warm gaze.

"I'm sorry, but we are kinda busy today." Are we? "Oh, that's alright. Let's exchange numbers so we can hang out sometime!" "Sure thing." With that, we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes to Emily. Once she left I turned and gave Noah a suspicious glare.

"What was that all about?" I finally asked him and he gave me a sly smirk. "What? I didn't do anything~" "Yeah right." I glared at him and he let out a sigh. "Can't I be jealous?" He answered with a question of his own. "She just suddenly appeared and said you were friends. At first, I couldn't really trust her words but it seems that she is just overly friendly and enthusiastic. She's a good girl."

He smiled and I shook my head with a smile. "You are way too jealous sometimes you know that?" "Yeah I know~" "Just try to not over do it, okay?" "I'll try~" I shook my head once again and looked towards the sky. The sun beginning to set, forming beautiful colors behind the faint clouds. "You are an idiot, you know that?" "Only for you." We both laughed holding each other's hand. It seems like having a relationship isn't going to be that bad.

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