04 : 𝙰𝚂𝙴𝙰𝙽

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"For God's sake America! You raised the tax again! The people are getting angry every second and they all hate you. They might just really throw you off your position." New York yelled at the country master who couldn't care much. "Just go tell the military force to shut them up and put them in temporary jail bars." America shoo'ed.

"Im afraid that wouldn't do anymore." the country and the city looked at the organization, Nato. The two didn't notice him earlier since they were busy yelling at each other. "What do you mean wouldn't work anymore?" asked America.

"50% of the military force are also against the tax raise. 60 is okay with them but they were really mad when you raised it to 80." the organization answered with dread in his face. Ame was alerted by that. "50%!?"

New York glared at the american, "See? You may not feel it because WE states are always the one who gets and deals with it everytime." he pointed at himself. US only rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses.

*Bang* 🚪

The three of them looked at who bursted in the door, a panting Texas and Utah. "M-master America.. Hah... There's a group of people! They're outside the building!" Utah exclaimed as she took a moment to catch her breath.

"Not only that! They all have their guns out!" Texas added and America immediate stood up and banged his hands on the table, "WHAT!?"

04 : ASEAN

Brazil POV

"Olá Índia!" I greeted as we both neared eachother. "हैलो ब्राजील¡(Hello Brazil!)" he greeted back.

"Thanks for agreeing to trade with us." I smiled at him. He lightly punched my shoulder. "Ofcourse. Why not? To be honest.. Trades can be rarely found these days." he said and I cannot help but agree.

These past few years, the trades between all the countries have been going down to hell...

My loyal trade partner is China but I can't get into touch with them since most of the ships I send there are always face to face meet with Philip's land. And you all know what happened.

The United States.. America hasn't been himself since 17 years because of Philip. The last trade I had with him is two years ago and he's so cold like I couldn't crack a conversation with him anymore.. He gives fine amount of money everytime we trade..

The Netherlands, he's been trying to reach up to me for a trade but for the past 10 years, his boats always sunk halfway to my location. He's also not stable cause he's been smoking a lot for the past few years also..

Canada and South Korea didn't trade with me for like 15 years already. Idk why. It's the same for the EU members..

My active traders are, Germany and Argentina but they have nothing for now so when I got an email from India for a trade, my people were happy and I reach out back real quick. The trade was worth for my people.

All Indi want is soybeans and iron ore for a wopping 64M$. It's a lot for my people. "Yeah uh.. Do you wanna check the goods?" I offered and my people came forward with their soybean harvests and mined ores.

"Sure. Delhi, come check it with me." New Delhi came besides India as they both checked the soybeans and the iron ores. "Wow. The soybeans are freshly harvested? The iron ores are well mined all alone with no stones." India comments and I hummed.

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