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Eyes wide as I look around, Im kind of let down. In the movies the first day is filled with blood and gore as people run down the street from their loved ones. There was none of that. It was quit like every other Friday. Shrugging it off I start a slow jog in the direction of the school. About a block from my house I see my first zombie since Bill. It's inside, banging and snarling at the front window. A pool of blood dripping down his chin, I make the mistake of looking into his eyes. A black bottomless pit, no hurt, no anger, no love, just hunger, just like Bill's. I quickly spin away and continue down the sidewalk. That would explain why there's not that many ,if any, zombies walking around, they are all trapped inside. Maybe this will be an easier walk then I thought.
Rounding the last corner, the high school comes into view, the massive two story brick building is no longer surrounded by lush green grass. A tall chain link fence had been set up around the whole building, with what looks like tents setting in the yard. I quickly make my way to the growing line.
I see Cassie and her family in line and go to stand by them.
" Omg Maddy your ok!" Rushing to give me a hug my best friend exclaims. "Yes Cass I'm fine. Is everyone with you okay? Anyone been bit?." I ask worried about what the radio man said. " No everyone woke up like normal and we heard the radio on the way to drop Mazi off at day care. So we turned around and came here instead." Nodding in relief I turned to the front of the line and waited in silence.
What felt like hours later I'm finally standing in the front of the line. I can see the short bald guy holding a neon yellow clip board taking down people's information. Rolling my eyes at the bright clip board I step in front of the man, Chester according to his name tag, without saying hello he go " I'ma need your name birthday and blood type" I pause not processing what he rattled off so fast. " Sometime today ma'am" he snaps " um Madison October 13, 2004 .." I trail off not knowing the answer to the last question. Rolling his eyes Chester writes it all down then looks at me expectingly "Well what about your blood type kid I got a long line behind you so please hurry. " Not surprised by the nastiness in his voice I just shrug and say I didn't know it. He then hands me a blue badge and tells me to go inside someone will come get me for a blood test soon.
I take the badge and head inside wondering why it's so important to know what blood type I have. Pushing it to the back of my mind I clip the badge on my shirt and look for Cassie. Finding her with her family again I head over. Once I get closer I notice that they all have green badges. At the same time the notice I have a blue one. Cassie looks deep in thought at this. "Did they ask you about your blood" giving her a nod she shrugs "must be why you have a blue badge, mom knew our blood types". Shocked she remembered I didn't know that bit of information from last year when Mr. Andrew made us all guess the blood type we had for a biology project, I just nod again. Noticing that Cass and her family has either orange or red badges on, I look around and notice a lot of orange and red and some blue like mine. I wonder what the colors mean. I don't get too far into thought before I hear my name being called over the speaker, " "Madison born October 13 please follow me". Wondering why they didn't call my last name I shrug it off and head to the nurse, " you must be Madison, we didn't get your last name wirh the on boreding paperwork do you mind telling me what it is." Shocked at to that's all she needed "um yeah it's Spencer, Madison Spencer."
Boring her the the short nurse turns and start walking away, I stand there watching her trott off when she glance back to see I have not moved a foot, ' Follow me please Ms. Spencer'. I nod and start forward wanting to know why I have been the only name called since we got here what seems like forever ago. The nurse whose name tag reads Milly leads me to another room which used to hold my AP math class in it. "Wait here and doctor Morgan will be right with you" with that Milly shuts the door.
I look around for a place to sit because if I learned anything before mom passed was that the doctor can take forever to get to you. I see Mrs. Dills desk and the forbidden chair and creep towards it like she's going to jump out and wack me with the ruler she always carried.
Once I sit in the chair I laugh off my silliness and wait for the Dr to come in. What seems like hours later the door opens, and in walks a tall man in a white lab coat. I'm guessing he's the doctor, "Ms. Spencer I'm doctor White I'm here to talk to you about your blood test we took. Something abnormal appeared, are you aware of what I'm referring to?"
Confused I shake my head, " your white blood cell have a extre enzyme that we as a science community has never seen. I don't know what it means but I believe it can help with a cure we would just have to run more test".
'What kind of test?"
Well it would be blood test we would need to examine the brain as well as great liver and kidneys." Im having a hard time processing what I was just told "you mean like a piece of all that?"
' no Ms. Spencer we would need to run many test we would need the object as wholes. You may look at it as if your dyeing but in reality your saving the human race.'
Dr. White looks proud of what he just said, not like he trying to take the life of a 17 year old. I shake my head no ' I don't want to be the subject of test and I don't want to die to the sake of the human race. They have never done anything for me, they left me stay with my step dad after everyone left, they saw the limp and the heavy makeup I had to wear when he got to carried away and hit my face, the human race left millons sufer every day in conditions no living thing should be put in. I don't care if the human race dies out to me it should."
At this point I'm so angry my chest is pounding and I'm having a hard time catching my breath. Dr. White just laughs and says he will talk to me in a few days once I have seen the monster that is taking over some more. He lets me leave to go back to the gym. On the way there I notice that there was 2 men following me. I didn't think so at first but then if I slowed down so did they if I sped up so did they.
Once I was back in the gym near my cot I had been assigned the men spread out into the room and blended in I lost track of them laying down I came to the decision that I would be leaving to night when everyone was asleep.

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