6 Months Earlier

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I stared at Olivia ranting about her lousy co-workers and their daily antics. She was so expressive with her words it was like I was watching a movie. I stifled a laugh as she imitated her boss and how he flirted with her and every other girl in her office.

We have been dating for the past two years and things have never been so perfect. She was one of the funniest women I've ever met with an addictive laugh that made her so attractive.

We were having dinner at this new fine dining restaurant that had opened up nearby my workplace. I decided it was time to treat her to something nice for a change instead of the usual Chinese take out in my living room with the TV on.

Today she had her long blond hair up in a ponytail, barely any make up on which was how I liked it and she was wearing a low cut dress that showed off her ample cleavage. I remember buying that dress for her a long time ago but she never wore it. She told me she'd wear it once she lost some weight. She always complained about how fat she was but to me she was just nice, not too fat not too thin.

Sometimes when she talked, my mind would drift off to thoughts of undressing her and caressing those gorgeous breasts of hers as I made love to her. Come to think of it, its been awhile since we actually made love.

"You're not listening are you," she sighed as she interrupted me from my thoughts. "You always drift off when I'm talking."

"No, I don't," I defended myself. "It's just that you look so tempting today, I love this dress on you." I reached out for her hand and held it. "I love it when you talk and imitate people. I love you, period."

She smiled and then without warning, her face contorted into a mixture of guilt, anguish and sadness and she pushed my hand away.

"I don't know why I don't feel the same way any more Jerry. I tried, I swear I've been trying so hard. I even wore the dress you bought me tonight. I thought we could rekindle the fire in our relationship but we couldn't. It's just so overwhelming, the love you say you feel for me. I don't think I can ever feel the same way, " she started tearing up as she finished.

I felt my eyes well up and my mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. Where did that come from? Everything was fine until now, or so I thought it was. All those nights talking and cuddling on the couch, those heated love making sessions, the countless movie nights etc etc, had they all been a lie? Had she been faking everything these past few months?

"Why?" was all I could manage.

"I don't know," she put her head in her hands and I felt a sudden urge stab it with the table knife beside my plate. "I guess we just don't suit each other as well as we thought we did. I mean we're so different you and I. I work in an advertising firm and I can't stop talking, you work in an IT department and you hardly talk at all."

Whatever she just said didn't make sense at all, it just sounded like a lousy excuse. She'd never had any communication issues with me before, why now?

"You're seeing someone else aren't you?" I stared daggers at her. 

"Oh, get a grip will you?" she groaned, facing me again. "I knew you'd jump to that conclusion. I just don't love you any more Jerry, I can't help it. It's got nothing to do with seeing other people, it's between you and me."

"So you're not denying it then?" I accused. I knew it had to be another guy, that would explain why we hadn't slept together in so long plus her constantly rejecting my advances. I was beginning to feel extremely angry. I had poured my heart and soul into this relationship and this whore had been screwing somebody else this whole while. Her silence confirmed it and tears started streaming down her face. I didn't realise I found her so unattractive when she cried.

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