Chapter Four

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November 7th, 1950

The night was still at the dock in Venezuela, filled with bright stars and a light breeze. A trade ship sat at the end of the dock, ready to set sail by dawn. All seemed as it should be.

Though, it never is how it seems.

Near the dock was a dark figure; a woman keeping watch of the ship and the people who resided by the dock. She had no intentions of letting that ship leave in the morning.

She had no intentions of letting the ship see the morning.

Her golden irises seemingly glowed in the shadows of which she resided. Her black cloak allowed her to blend in, despite wearing mostly white. No one noticed her; no one knew she was there.

After three years of going through fight, after fight, after fight, the Tigris had begun to make a name for herself. Anyone who was a somebody in the world knew her name. She was beginning to be feared; just as feared as the Winter Soldier. Though, most only believed them to be ghost stories, until of course, they see them for themselves.

Which was never a good thing.

Zola had gotten word that the Venezuelan "trading company," had cut all services with Hydra due to the lack of certainty of being paid back. They didn't believe in the Winter Soldier and Tigris programs; well, the people on that ship were about to discover what Hydra's latest project was all about.

Tigris waited patiently for all to go silent and still, with no response extra pedestrians in sight. After a while of no one coming or going from the dock, she made her move towards the ship. She didn't bother running, she had plenty of time to get everything done.

She noticed two people at the front of the boat, seemingly having a friendly conversation as they kept watch. They were so distracted, they didn't notice the dark figure move across the deck, and towards the ship.

Tigris listened in on their conversation as she stealthily climbed up the side of the ship. "Y luego dije, "no hermano, solo estoy aquí para hablar contigo, ¡eso es todo!" ¡Y justo cuando no esperaba, le disparé en la cara!"

And then I said, "no bro, I'm just here to talk to you, that's all!" And just when he wasn't expecting, I shot him in the face!

The two gentlemen laughed at his story. They seemed to be a bit intoxicated, indicating that Tigris's mission will be easier than originally thought.

She climbed on top of the deck, being ever so quiet as she approached the two men from behind. Just as they were within reach, she grabbed the man on the left with the speed of lightning and broke his neck, killing him instantly. Before his body hit the ground, she caught the collar of his shirt, and roughly threw him overboard into the ocean beneath them.

The man on the right stared at her in fear, frozen in shock of what had just happened. Tigris used that opportunity to take the claw on her index finger, and quickly slice across the man's throat before he could make a sound. He gurgled on the blood, and threw his hands over his throat as a poor attempt to stop the bleeding. Tigris kicked him hard in the chest, sending him flying over the railing of the ship to sink down next to his friend.

She turned her heel, making her way for the white staircase to walk into the heart of ship. Once she made her way inside the ship, the smell of alcohol and sweat instantly infiltrated her nostrils, causing her to slightly scrunch her nose in distaste. She saw no one on the second deck, and continued down to the third. Her ears picked up on some chatter on the staircase leading to the third deck. It sounded to be about three men. The stairs wrapped around, giving her cover before she ran into them.

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