Chapter Twenty-Four

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Song: Belong to You- Sabrina Claudio

"Rise and shine, child of mine. Training starts today."

I ignore dad's voice and snuggle into my pillow, drifting back off to dreamland. I hadn't felt so much peace while sleeping since before the nightmares started, and that was an unbelievably long time ago. It's been about one week since I woke up from limbo, and dad was generous enough to give me more days than I ever expected him to let pass without training, thanks to the giant, jagged scar stretching across a significant portion of my chest. And thanks to Hunter staying with me each night (which dad eventually walked in on around the fourth night, but was unsuspecting of anything more, like Hunter said, because it was his duty), I didn't have a single nightmare for the whole week. Having that peace after so long made me never want to get back to the reality of our world or the battle we face with Bloodbound.

"Alaska, do not make me call back up in here."

"Shh," I hold my finger up in the air, eyes still closed. "I'm resting."

Dad heaves a sigh. "Fine. You've left me with no choice."

For a moment, everything is too quiet, and then, I'm hoisted out of bed into someone's arms, and they speedily carry me out of the room. My eyes snap open as my arms flail to grab the person since my entire body is completely off balance from the sudden and quick move out of my bed. I'm met with Hunter's cheeky grin as he rushes down the stairs to the gym. "Morning, angel. Lovely day to start training again, isn't it?"

"Put me down!" I shove against him, but I'm still a little weak from the dagger to my heart, and Hunter has a vice grip around my back and legs. "I can't stand you!"

We enter the gym, the door slamming shut behind us as its sound echoes around the entire room. Hunter smirks as he glances down at me before pressing a chaste kiss against my lips. "We both know that isn't true," I attempt my best grumpy look, but it only makes him laugh more as he places me on my feet. I huff as I cross my arms across my chest, and Hunter shakes his head. "Your dad will be down soon. He wanted me to help you warm up so you're not in as much pain when he starts your physical training in two weeks."

"That sounds a little soon."

"You should be almost completely healed by then. The scar is healing a lot faster than we expected."

"Oh, so you were looking at it, huh?"

He winks. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

Heat rushes to my cheeks as I turn away from him, which results in him busting out laughing again. He continues to laugh as he wraps his arms around my waist, his chest pressed against my back as he rests his chin on my shoulder. "Don't get too bent out of shape, angel. You were kept entirely modest."

"I find it hard to believe you on that."

Hunter scoffs. "I am an innocent young boy!"

"Please," I snicker. "Innocence isn't even a word in your dictionary."

"What can I say when I have a beautiful woman standing in front of me?"

And the blushing starts again. "Stop it."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the wide smile that graces his lips, making my heart skip a beat. "Just take the compliment, angel."

We both grow quiet as Hunter sways me in his arms, and I rest my head against his shoulder. A zing of pain shoots through my chest as we wait for dad, and I hunch over slightly, taking a deep breath until the pain subsides. When I stand upright again, I catch Hunter's worried glance, and I close my eyes, fighting back tears. "I don't know if I can do this, Hunter."

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