Chapter 17

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Your mind was in a state of panic. It couldn't be true that this was the outcome. What buried motherly instincts you had, you ran towards Nyala. If she hadn't already been previously abandoned, you would have told her to remain hidden and away from Jaldabaoth.

But now—you couldn't risk that.

The blood red entrance to the cave was clotted by the appearance of the Demon King's brother. That haunting mask stared you down intensely. Without hesitation, he spoke your name, showing the previous dream invasions were something he intently recalled. "You're mine now."

You shook your head in disbelief. "Where's Demiurge? What happened to him?" It was a question you already knew the answer to, but whatever you could do to stall to think up some sort of plan would be helpful.

"After my last attack, I'm to assume he was obliterated into dust," Jaldabaoth said without so much as flinching. "I didn't see or sense him anywhere."

Your heart felt as though knives struck it at such a cold and honest response. "NO! That can't be true!"

Nyala's grip tightened on your arms, which protected her. She whimpered, looking in the direction of the male she could smell wasn't Demiurge.

Noting the small demon child in your possession, Jaldabaoth's mask eerily turned to stare in her direction. "I smell my brother's mark on that one, but I know she is not his by birth." His arms moved behind his back as his tail flicked about. "In fact, I recall you leaving The Abaddon Circle with her. Was she a gift?"

Hearing him talk so lowly of Nyala made your sorrow boil into anger. "You will leave her alone if you want me alive..."

"Oh? An adopted child then?" Jaldabaoth's red eyes glowed under the mask. "I see." He took in the atmosphere for a moment before offering his hand for you to take. "Alright then, I will spare her and allow her to be in my court if you come with me willingly."

Having him ask such a thing made your heart twist against the thorned cage it was encased within. Looking down at Nyala, you knew she wouldn't survive anything Jaldabaoth would do to her. He had no reason to keep her alive, save for your cooperation.

Nyala's black eyes turned to you. She was sniffling, trembling in your arms as she was fully aware this male demon meant to harm her. "Mm..Ma..."

She wanted to say 'mamma'. You could see that, but it was too soon for her to instantly replace the one she had. Brow furrowed, you held her tightly to your chest. Even if you didn't love Jaldabaoth, you would surrender yourself to keep Nyala safe.

You kissed her between her horns before pulling away from Nyala's side. The moment you started to walk towards Jaldabaoth without her, she began to screech in a manner that wasn't normal to you. It must have been a demon child response of fear. She hurried towards your legs, grabbing onto one to prevent you from walking another step forward.

"It's okay," you whispered, kneeling down to scoop Nyala up into your arms once more. "I'm not leaving you." Sighing heavily, you nodded at Jaldabaoth's offer. "If you promise to keep her safe, then I will do whatever you want..."

Jaldabaoth opened his hand to seal the deal.

Noticing the gesture, you recalled back when Demiurge first rescued you. Biting your lower lip, you stilled your quivering lip as you reached over to accept his hand.

Demiurge was gone... there was no reason to hold onto past deals made with him. Just reminding yourself of such a thing made you nuzzle against Nyala to weep softly.

"Oh, I won't be as cruel as all that," Jaldabaoth insisted. "Now that my brother is no longer here, I won't have to worry about anybody dying at his hands."

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