Chapter 5

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I simply cannot believe that this is happening. Even though I have never seen the King in my life, he has commanded that I stitch him back together. What exactly does he expect me to do? I have only ever sewn on fabric, never on any other material. The nerves are making their way into my stomach, and as a result, I have the sensation that I am about to throw up the breakfast that I had only recently eaten.

It is impossible for this to be happening to me. If I make a mistake, which I am certain I will, will he give the order to end my life?

I make sure to keep my gaze fixed on the ground in front of me as I slowly follow behind him, but I can feel eyes on me the whole time. I quickly raise my head and look around, and I notice that the female members of the Horde are staring at me with expressions of both disgust and shock on their faces.

The slave women and men are looking towards me with worried expressions that only make the nerves worse.

They most likely believe that I am in some kind of trouble because of this, and they are probably right. He does not even know me and should have asked a older slave, one who would know a little better on what to do.

"Walk faster!" The king snapped, sighing in annoyance.

The sound of him yelling at me in such a manner caused my legs, which were shaking, to move more quickly. As a result of my failure to look up in time, I managed to run headfirst into his sturdy back. Fear quickly took its place among the nerves in my body as I jerked my body away from him and fell backwards onto my bottom in the dirt.


He is going to be so angry now!

"I truly apologize! I hope you can forgive me! King, I was not paying attention to where I was going." I fumbled my words out quickly, relieved that I had not been caught stammering in front of the king himself.

That would have been a very embarrassing situation.

I pleaded silently to God inside my head, Please do not let him order my death as I stared up at his chest with sheer terror written all over my face.

"Get up! You are one clumsy female" He growled as he circled back around and resumed his walk, not waiting for me to even climb back to my feet.


It was not my fault that he made the decision to stop walking. I was merely complying with his request and picked up my pace. It's not like I intentionally tried to run into him or anything. I am aware of the regulations, and we are not permitted to touch them in any way.

I scrambled to my feet as quickly as I could and followed the king, all the while hearing the Horde women laughing at me for falling. Ugh. They have the arrogance to believe that they are superior to me, which irritates me greatly. The fact that I am merely a human being is not my fault in any way.

It is not our fault that the government of Earth dealt with like we were nothing but cattle.

My father assisted the men who were working in the sword tent prior to the passing of my mother and father. It turned out that he was quite skilled at it, and soon every man in the Horde wanted a sword that had been crafted by him.

Even though they didn't know him, the men respected and appreciated my father's work.

Even the King wanted a sword that my father had crafted.

In the kitchen, just like I do now, my mother was a worker. However, she was not a dishwasher; rather, she was the cook. The members of the Horde, including the women, had always enjoyed whatever it was that my momma had cooked up.

"Gods! Do all humans walk at the same slow pace as you, female?" The King lets out a low growl. This time, as soon as he started talking, I immediately stopped walking. I was too scared to run into him for a second time, that may push my luck.

"We are much slower than you, King. My legs are quite a bit shorter than yours. Forgive me. I'm going to pick up the pace." I whispered to him while lowering my head even further, just in case he was still looking in my direction.

"Just hurry up. It is imperative that I get to the training area with my men as soon as possible." He said.

Why does he seem to be in such a hurry all the time? I am attempting to walk as quickly as I can. The abrasive material of my sandals has caused blisters to form on both of my feet, and they have begun to bleed.

"Yes King." I mumbled under my breath and quickened my pace once more. I tilt my head slightly upward in order to keep an eye on his legs. This way, I will be able to determine whether he stops moving suddenly.

He possesses some very muscular and attractive legs.

Oh god Kiley.

Keep your mouth shut.

Even though I have no intention of ever becoming an alien bride, I am a young female. I do appreciate a good looking male.

Being a slave who is also single and a virgin is just simply annoying. My body has a craving for a variety of things that I am not even sure I fully comprehend. I simply am aware of the fact that I am capable of recognizing an attractive human or alien male. The Horde members do not care for privacy, I have turned or walked passed a tent and seen and heard the women and the men going at it.

All I am going to say is that they have two dick, no one.

His legs give the impression that if he were to step on you, the impact would be so severe that it would result in your death. The race of the Horde is designed for combat, but the King of the Horde is even more powerful than the others.

The length of his dark hair is a direct result of the fact that he has never been defeated in a fight.

If you lose a fight, it is traditional for you to cut your hair, unless it has grown to the point where it hinders your ability to fight. In that case, you are exempt from this custom. However, in order to carry out such an action, permission from the king is required first.

The king's hair is long enough to reach his butt, and he wears it pulled back into a ponytail.

"This one." The king growled. It seems as though he is trying to tell me which house we are approaching, but I am not even bothering to look up.

The only thing I do is keep my eyes focused on his legs while I trail behind him. The quick pace was giving my feet the urge to scream in protest.

"Yes, King." I whispered as we approached one of the homes in the neighborhood. When I finally look up, I realize how much taller and wider his is in comparison to the others.

He is the King.

"Well? Are you coming inside female?" When he growls very loudly, it causes my entire body to jump.

"Yes, King. Before coming inside your house, I wanted to make sure I had your permission first."

Before our species came along, the Horde race had no concept of anything that resembled a house made of wood.

Tents were used as homes for everyone, including the kings. My people taught them how to clear the land of trees and build homes out of logs.

"When I told you to come on, Female, that was when I gave you my permission." He mutters something under his breath and then walks into the house, leaving me standing outside his front door.

I am aware that everyone is still watching me as I cautiously approach his house for the first time. I am sending up prayers to the heavens, hoping that whatever I do won't make the king angry with me.

I do not want to die.

It is common knowledge that the men of the Horde are cruel. They do not interact with us as slaves, but I am terrified that if someone were to do something that would make them angry, they would become extremely bloodthirsty, and that is the thing that causes me the most concern.

Once they go into the rage, it is impossible to stop them.

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