𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

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-Spencer's POV-

I pulled out from Juliet's parking lot. I start driving down the street towards my grandparents house, it was about two hours away so I'd get there pretty late.

I turn the music up louder in my car, I start jamming to the music.

I hear my phone buzz as I stop at the lights, I pull my phone out from my pocket but it falls out of my hand to the floor of my car. I bend down and try get it.

My car was dark so I couldn't find it, I heard beeps behind me so I assumed the lights went green. I press my foot down on the pedal and finally grab my phone and sit up. I hear a loud beep coming towards and I turn to my left to see a car coming full speed towards mine.



-Juliet's POV-

I picked up a bag left outside my door, as I picked a note out of the bag still standing in my doorway. I heard beeping and a crash. I jump at the sound. It sounded like it was a bit away from here. Perks of living in the city I suppose, busy traffic. Probably people having a beeping battle or some stupid shit. The bang, I can't explain.

I read the note and let out a shaky breath, I pick up the bag and close the door with my foot.

I put the bag on my kitchen counter and start making some food for my dinner since I was hungry and wanted to get Spencer off my mind.

Joey comes over by my foot growling.

"Hey stop buddy, what's wrong?" I pout at him and he doesn't stop growling.

"Alright I'll bring you on a walk in a minute let me make some food first little guy." She runs over to the window and starts barking.

"Joey, down!" I shout at him getting annoyed.

I boiled the pasta and made some pasta sauce.
Joey starts crying and I sigh and mix the pasta around.

I go back over to the bag while my food cooks, I pull out a hoodie, I smile and put it on. I saw dog treats in the bag and I picked them up and opened them.

"Here boy." I bend down and Joey runs over and takes the treat and runs back over to the window.

I go over and put my food in a bowl and go and sit at my kitchen table to eat it.

I hear cop cars and fire trucks sirens. Another perk of living in city, so much fucking noise and accidents.

I eat my food and scroll on my phone. Once I'm finished I go over to the sink and put my bowl in.

I walk to my bedroom and change into sweat pants and leave on the hoodie Spencer gave me. I get joeys collar and lead.

I go out to the kitchen where Joey was sat by the window. I put the collar around his neck and tie his lead on. I walk him over to the door and slide on my air forces and open the door.

Hopefully this walk will clear my head.

I walk down the street and see some people walking down the opposite way. Not a few people, a lot of people.

I look confused back and see cops and a fire truck, putting barriers up blocking off an area. People were surrounding it.

What was going on?

I walked over with some people to the area, there was a lot of people blocking it but there was a car knocked onto the side with a big dent in its side, it's windows smashed.

The car looked familiar. Was that...Spencer's car. No it couldn't be. I pushed through some people and hear and ambulance in the distance.

"Sir! Sir!" I scream over to a cop talking to a firefighter. He jogs over with a fire fighter.

"No press, go home lady."


"Go home." He says.

Fuck. I get pushed back and an ambulance pulls up. The fire fighters start flipping the car back onto its feet. There was another car backed away it didn't looked as damage as the other one. I couldn't see inside the cars because of peoples heads.

I move around as they start trying to pulling someone out of the car. Please don't be Spencer.

Some doctors run over with a bed and others were opening the jammed door.

The door swung open finally glass falling to the floor, i pushed my way through the people Joey growling. I get to the front and look over. Two doctors reach into the car. My heart slid up my throat as they pulled someone out.

My heart dropped when I saw Spencer's body being pulled out and a few doctors going over to help them out her on the bed. She was covered in blood. He head bleeding, her arms and legs too. She looked lifeless, i prayed she was still breathing.

Tears filled my eyes and my heart broke seeing her like that.

A cop came over trying to get us away but I stopped.

"I know her. I do really, her names Spencer Rose she's eighteen let me come in the ambulance. I'm her aunt she goes to Green side high she's a senior I can promise you I'm not lying." I tell the cop.

"Look lady-"

"If you do not let me in that god damn ambulance I swear to fuck I will throw a full on tantrum and will not stop screaming till you let me go with her. She has no other family, I'm the only one there for her. If she wakes up she'll be terrified by herself just let me come please." I beg him.

He pulls the barrier open and I slide in.

He runs over and starts talking to a doctor as the other ones start lifting the bed into the ambulance.

"Go on lady." The doctor nods towards the inside of the ambulance. I smile at him and jump up into the ambulance with Joey in my arms and sit down as they start doing there doctory things. Don't blame me, I don't know what there doing I didn't go to med school for Christ sakes.

My leg starts shaking watching them as they hook her up to a..heart monitor. I watch her heart rate and it was low.

They start talking to each other really fast and my view gets blocked by one of them. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Her breathing is catching up. She should be fine till we get to the hospital but clean the wounds before they get infected." One of them says sitting back taking down his mask breathing heavy and wiping the sweat off his head with the back of his hand.

I was going to have to text max or my other friend Katie to come pick up Joey at the hospital because I want to stay with Spencer, at least till she wakes up. I take out my phone and text the group chat with them both.

Juliet:Hey, is anyone able to meet me at the hospital at pick up Joey???


Juliet: yeah I'm fine, a student of mine got into a car crash by my house and I don't have contact with her parents so I'm in the ambulance with her

Katie: of course j we'll be right over.

Juliet: Thank you

I put away my phone and wipe my sweaty hands off of my pants, my heart was still beating fast from nerves.

I sit back and take a deep breath as we turn the corner for the hospital.

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