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‎ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
I woke up to this annoying noise. Can you guess what it is? Ding ding ding... we have a winner. It's my stupid alarm. Urrrghhh every morning is like a deja vu. Today Ahmed and I planned to ask Nina and Aiden about the thing they have been hesitating to ask/tell us. I may kind of have an idea but I could be wrong too so it's better to know from them.

I got up from bed after lazying for another 5 minutes. Just recollecting all that happened yesterday brought a smile to my face. Suddenly I'm not feeling lazy anymore. I took a quick shower and got ready. Winter is starting so I have to make sure I dress accordingly. Should I wear a sweater or hoodie? Urrghh I should have decided yesterday. This is why I pick my outfit before I sleep so I can just put it on in the morning.

Ameera's outfit ^I feel fresh just looking at the color of this hoodie

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Ameera's outfit ^
I feel fresh just looking at the color of this hoodie. This shade reminds me of orange. I like orange. I don't like the juice but I love to eat the fruit. Is that weird? >.< Anyways, I went downstairs to have breakfast with my parents. I said my salaam and greeted them good morning. Today I was in the mood for some pancakes and look at the connection I got with my mum. She made PANCAKES. Ahhh she is the best mum in the world.

"Ahhh I love you ma" I said after having a bite of the pancake.

"Love you too baby" mum replied. I beamed back at her.

"Arey waah ye acha hai saara pyar bas anpi ma ko aur papa ko kuch bhi nahi?" Dad said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Sometimes my dad can get childish when he feels I'm showing my love more towards mum. (Translation: Wow would you look at that, all love goes to ma but nothing for papa huh?)

"How can I not love you pa? After all, you're the best dad in the world. Majal hai kya meri aapko kum pyar krne ki?" I asked cheekily. (Translation: how can I dare to love you any less?)

"And you are my best daughter in the whole world" he said back cheekily.

"I think you are forgetting I'm the only daughter you have" I said rolling my eyes.

"Alright, papa and papa ki bachi. It's getting late don't you have to leave?" Mum inquiries.
(Translation: Alright papa and papa's daughter.)

"Ya Rabbi! I'm late. I have to get going. Love you both. Allah hafiz" I left quickly.

I reached university. We had the first two periods off. Actually, it was supposed to be only the second period off but our professor who took our first period was on leave so guess two periods it is.

Nina was going to reach a bit late because apparently she threw her alarm this morning so she got up late. Can't say I blame her, hehe. Aiden went for swimming practice. I remember Ahmed told me he was going to play basketball for some time so I went to the basketball court.

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