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Charlotte's POV

I heaved a loud sigh while I was boiling with anger and drove towards them.

When I got out of the car, Thalia pulled Alex towards her by grabbing his lapel and brushed her lips against his lips. And at that moment I saw red. Now no one would save her from me; I was going to kill her.

Before I managed to approach them, Alex pushed her back angrily.

"What the fuck got into you, Thalia?!" He barked, fuming, and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"Don't pretend. I know you liked it. One more time?" She commented cockily and bit her lower lip provocatively, resting her hand on Alex's chest before giving me a victorious smile.

"You bitch! I am going to kill you." I snapped in frustration and grabbed a handful of her hair.

"Let go of me!" She shouted angrily and cursed at me in Greek.

"Charlotte! Calm down." Alex demanded, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, trying to pull me away while a security guard tried to help Alexis to separate me and Thalia.

"Let go of me, Alex! I will kill this bitch. How dare she kiss my husband!" I exclaimed angrily, trying to get rid of Alex's grip, but he didn't loosen his grip around my waist and carried me inside the building, ignoring my demands after ordering the security guard to make Thalia leave.

"Why didn't you let me kill her?!" I snarled at him as he put me down in my office. I rested my hands on my hips while shaking with anger.

"Calm down, Charlotte!" He said, approaching me, and rested his hand on my arm.

"How? Could you stay calm if my ex kissed me in front of you?!" I asked sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

Calm down?!... He shouldn't be serious.

He gave me a death glare as his jaw clenched.

"Look! Even thinking about it makes you mad." I commented, giving him a knowing look.

He heaved a loud sigh, rubbing his temple. "It isn't my fault that she kissed me."

"I know. Look, you are still alive." I commented mockingly, gesturing to him.

He rolled his eyes. Then he took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"I promise I will do something about her." He promised, looking me in the eyes as he cupped my cheeks. I breathed deeply, trying to calm down, and nodded. He gave me a charming smile and leaned towards me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and pushed him back when he wanted to kiss me. He looked at me, stunned. "Go and wash your mouth. I don't want to catch any diseases because of that bitch." I commented in annoyance, folding my arms over my chest.

He grinned, shaking his head. "Your wish is my command." Alex commented, amused.

"As a matter of a fact, it was a command, not a wish." I clarified firmly. He gave me a dirty look and rolled his eyes.


After having dinner with my brother and Sienna, Alex and I decided to go to the nightclub to have some fun. We invited Sienna and Romeo to join us, but they refused; Sienna got tired easily because she was in her last trimester. I was going to be an aunt again. It was a boy this time.

I was resting my hand on Alex's thigh while he was driving his car. Alex frowned, looking at the rear-view mirror as a black car behind us started honking, trying to overtake.

"What is with this idiot! He is tailgating me when I am already driving slightly over the speed limit." Alex commented, annoyed while trying to find out who was the driver.

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