Chapter 16

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The following day, Vanessa did not spot anyone in the house. Neither in the kitchen nor the living room.

She drank her coffee alone and headed for the office after that.

She heard shouts as she stepped out of the elevator on the twelfth floor. In front of the secretary's office, she saw one of the girls she had interviewed, Naomi Harper, gesturing with her hands and saying something to Cole, who was standing with his back to the hallway.

Vanessa approached.

"I'm telling you! Your assistant was very rude! She cut the interview before it ends."

Vanessa crossed her hands angrily, hearing the girl's words.

But obviously, Cole also was no less angry. "Look, miss,"—he spoke in a controlled manner, but his seriousness could not be disputed—"my assistant is the one who determines how long the interviews should last. Once she decided that yours was over, then so has been it. Now, please don't waste my time anymore and leave. Otherwise, I will call security to accompany you."

Without saying anything more, Cole entered his office.

The girl, visibly furious that she had not achieved what she had planned, walked to the elevator.

Just a few steps down, Vanessa blocked her way. "Pray yourself that our paths do not cross again!" was all Vanessa told her. But that was enough. She winked at her and went straight to Cole's office.

"Good morning, Cole. I didn't see you at the house earlier in the morning..."

"Vanessa. I won't be in the office today, so—"


Cole got up from his chair and walked over to her. "Do I have to explain myself to you?"

"Of course not. But I was planning to invite the approved girl to meet you."

"No need. You can proceed with her appointment documents if you have approved her."

He left his office without giving Vanessa a chance to say anything more.

What is your problem, Willker? Vanessa thought, turning to the door. But after a step, she stopped.

The time was right to search his office. She sat behind his desk and began to open the drawers. But there was nothing there. It was unlikely anything suspicious to be found in his office, but Vanessa still had to take the chance. She spent another two hours examining the piles of documents on the shelves.

Nothing again. No clue about anything illegal. Neither about the company nor personally for Cole. Nothing suspicious at all.


Hours passed slower than usual. Although after finishing searching Cole's office, Vanessa had a lot of work to do by the end of the day. She called Emma Reed to let her know that she had been approved for the position of secretary at Willker Enterprise, and after the details were agreed upon, Vanessa finally got home. She went straight to Rebecca's room to see how she was.

Rebecca stood cross-legged, one under the other, on her bed with her laptop open.

"Hey, Becks. How are you?"

"Nessa, come in. I feel great!"

And that's what she looked like. Vanessa was a little surprised. She didn't expect to see Rebecca in a good mood so soon. She sat on the edge of the bed. "I am delighted to hear that, Becks."

"I spent a lot of time, you know, crying, being scared, feeling sorry for myself. But I also had time to think. And you know? Something happened. It's like I got enlightened. I woke up this morning like a new person. I'm good. I thought evil of no one all my life. I just wanted to love. I had dreams. And hell, I worked hard to make them come true. I'm on the final straight. I'm going to Italy, and when I come back, I'll return to work. And I'll make my dream come true. I have my family. I have you. And I won't let anyone ruin my life."

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